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  • 如何祈禱;聖米庫爾祈禱

    聖米庫爾的祈禱證明了他對神聖指引的渴望: “我祈求耶和華時時通過我說話,祈求耶和華除去我所有的思想,時時刻刻植入他的思想,因為我什至不想要我的思想。” 這禱告反映了對神聖介入的深刻渴望,渴望成為耶和華的工具。 「聖徒的祈禱」通常指信徒所做的祈禱,這被視為代禱和與神的聯繫的一種形式。在基督教傳統中,特別是在天主教中,聖徒的祈禱被認為是強大而有效的,因為聖徒與上帝有密切的交流。 正如所提到的,聖米庫爾的祈禱深刻地表達了他對神聖指導和乾預的渴望。聖米庫請求耶和華透過他說話,用神聖的思想取代他的思想,這表明他深切渴望成為上帝旨意的工具。這反映了許多聖徒祈禱中的一個共同主題:渴望使自己的意志和行動與上帝的目的一致。 這種類型的祈禱強調了幾個關鍵面向: 謙卑:承認自己的限制並尋求神聖的智慧。 臣服:放棄個人的慾望和想法,擁抱神的旨意。 代禱:不僅為自己祈求神聖幹預,也常為他人祈求神聖幹預。 在更廣泛的背景下,聖徒的祈禱被視為向那些過著模範信仰生活的人尋求幫助、指導和支持的一種方式。 關於聖米庫爾 霍普金斯(Michael Hopkins),又名聖米庫爾(Saint Mykul),是耶和華聖徒之家的創始人和有遠見的領袖。他的事工深深植根於信仰、聖經和耶穌基督的教導。以下是關於他的一些要點: 背景:麥可在密蘇裡州達德利的五旬節教會長大,畢業於密蘇裡州德克斯特的以馬內利浸信會基督教學校1。他早期在這些宗教社區的經歷極大地影響了他的精神旅程。 使命:他建立了耶和華聖徒之家,其使命是為他人服務並傳播希望和信仰的信息。該事工重點關注各種外展計劃,包括幫助無家可歸者和提供聖經課程23。 願景:麥可的願景包括倡導經濟變革,例如減少公司稅以鼓勵再投資和創造就業機會2。這反映了他將信仰與社會問題的實際解決方案結合起來的信念。 教義:他的教義強調與聖經的深刻聯繫,並過著符合耶穌基督原則的生活。他常引用詩篇82:6:「你們是神;你們都是至高者的孩子”,作為他事工的基礎經文4。 邁克爾·霍普金斯(Michael Hopkins)希望透過他作為聖米庫爾(Saint Mykul)的工作,成為那些尋求精神成長和支持的人們的希望燈塔和指路明燈。

  • 我们生活中的梦想和天使

    梦想和天使在我们生活中的意义 在我年轻的时候,也就是二十多岁的时候,我经常梦到自己飞过树梢,重游我们长大的旧拖车场。现在,我已经 49 岁了,最近我做了一个生动的 梦,梦见一个长着翅膀的天使从天而降,降落在我们法院门前。这个梦非常清晰,就像在看 4K 电视一样。天使很高,手里拿着一个展开的卷轴。一个比她矮很多的男人在卷轴上写道,并大声说道:“迈克尔,斯托达德县的霍普金斯基路伯。” 这个梦让我开始思考地球上是否存在秘密天使的可能性。我们有各种各样的秘密人员,那么上帝为什么不派一个来自天堂的秘密人员呢?也许是一个不知道自己是天使的天使,收集他一生中的信息并汇报给天堂。 圣经支持我们中间有天使的观念。希伯来书 13:2 写道:“不可忘记用爱心接待客旅;因为 曾有接待客旅的,不知不觉就接待了天使。” 这节经文提醒我们要善待陌生人,因为他们可能是伪装的天使。 梦在《圣经》中具有重要意义。上帝经常用梦与他的子民沟通。以下是一些例子: 创世记 31:11 :“神的 使者 在 梦中 对我说,雅各。我说,我在这里。” 马太福音 1:20 :“正思念这事的时候,有主的 使者 向他 梦中 显现,说,大卫的子孙约瑟,不要怕,只管娶过马利亚来,因为她所怀的孕是从圣灵来的。” 马太福音 2:13 :“他们去之后,有主的 使者 向约瑟 梦中显现, 说:‘起来!带着小孩子同他母亲逃往埃及,住在那里,等我吩咐你。因为希律必寻找这小孩子,要除灭他。’” 马太福音 2:19 :“希律死了以后,有主的 使者 在埃及向约瑟 梦中 显现。” 启示录 8:13 :“我又看见,又听见一位 天使飞 在空中,大声说,三位天使以后要吹号,地上的居民有祸了!有祸了!有祸了!” 最后一段经文表明天使确实会飞,而且根据我的梦和圣经,他们确实有翅膀。 这些经文说明了上帝如何利用梦境来指引和保护他的子民。所以,不要太轻视你的梦境。你怎么知道你睡觉时不会去别的地方?也许你的灵魂离开了你的身体,加入了看不见的境界中的其他灵魂。 梦境是上帝与我们沟通的有力方式,它为我们提供了指引、警告和安慰。留意你的梦境,因为它们可能蕴含着来自神的讯息。

  • What Does the Bible Say About Medicine?

    What Does the Bible Say About Medicine? The Bible offers a rich tapestry of wisdom and guidance on many aspects of life, including health and medicine. Through various scriptures, we can glean insights into how medicine and healing were perceived in biblical times and how these teachings can be applied today. Proverbs 17:22 “A merry heart doeth good like a medicine : but a broken spirit drieth the bones.” This verse highlights the profound connection between emotional well-being and physical health. A joyful heart is likened to medicine, suggesting that a positive outlook and happiness can have healing effects on the body. Conversely, a broken spirit can lead to physical ailments, emphasizing the importance of mental and emotional health. Jeremiah 30:13 “There is none to plead thy cause, that thou mayest be bound up: thou hast no healing medicines .” In this context, the absence of healing medicines symbolizes a deeper spiritual and communal crisis. It reflects a situation where there is no one to advocate or provide the necessary care, leading to a lack of healing. This can be seen as a call to ensure that communities support each other in times of need. Jeremiah 46:11 “Go up into Gilead, and take balm, O virgin, the daughter of Egypt: in vain shalt thou use many medicines ; for thou shalt not be cured.” Here, the use of many medicines without finding a cure serves as a metaphor for seeking solutions in the wrong places. It underscores the importance of seeking divine guidance and the right kind of help, rather than relying solely on human efforts. Ezekiel 47:12 “And by the river upon the bank thereof, on this side and on that side, shall grow all trees for meat, whose leaf shall not fade, neither shall the fruit thereof be consumed: it shall bring forth new fruit according to his months, because their waters they issued out of the sanctuary: and the fruit thereof shall be for meat, and the leaf thereof for medicine .” This beautiful imagery from Ezekiel speaks of a future where natural remedies play a significant role in healing. The leaves of the trees are described as medicine, indicating the use of natural resources for health and healing. It also reflects the idea that true healing comes from a divine source, symbolized by the waters from the sanctuary. Conclusion: Medicine and the Bible The Bible’s references to medicine and healing provide a holistic view that encompasses physical, emotional, and spiritual health. It encourages us to maintain a joyful heart, seek the right kind of help, and recognize the divine source of true healing. These timeless principles can guide us in our approach to health and medicine today.

  • Missouri Property Tax Credit

    Missouri Property Tax Credit 09/19/2024 Understanding the Missouri Property Tax Credit Claim The Missouri Property Tax Credit Claim is a valuable program designed to provide financial relief to certain senior citizens and 100 percent disabled individuals. This program offers a credit based on the real estate taxes or rent paid for the year, helping to ease the financial burden on eligible residents. ​ Key Benefits Maximum Credit: The credit can be up to $750 for renters and $1,100 for homeowners. Eligibility: The actual credit amount is determined by the amount paid and the total household income, both taxable and nontaxable.​​ Eligibility Criteria Renters / Part-Year Owners: Single: Total household income must be $27,200 or less. Married Filing Combined: Total household income must be $29,200 or less. 100% Service-Connected Disabled Veterans: VA payments are not included in the income calculation. Owned and Occupied Your Home the Entire Year: Single: Total household income must be $30,000 or less. Married Filing Combined: Total household income must be $34,000 or less. 100% Service-Connected Disabled Veterans: VA payments are not included in the income calculation. ​ How to Apply To apply for the Missouri Property Tax Credit, you can visit the Missouri Department of Revenue Tax Credit website1 . Here, you will find detailed information on the application process, required documentation, and additional resources to assist you.   Conclusion The Missouri Property Tax Credit Claim is an essential program for eligible senior citizens and disabled individuals, offering significant financial relief. By understanding the eligibility criteria and applying for the credit, you can take advantage of this beneficial program to reduce your financial burden. For more detailed information and to apply, visit the Missouri Department of Revenue Tax Credit website1 .

  • Giving Up Your Right to Free Speech

    Giving Up Your Right to Free Speech: The 501©(3) Dilemma In the United States, the First Amendment guarantees the right to free speech, a cornerstone of democracy. However, when it comes to nonprofit organizations, particularly those classified under Section 501©(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, there are specific limitations that can feel like a compromise on this fundamental right. If you want to  give up your right to free speech,  sign up for a Nonprofit 501C3 You cannot speak against anyone in the government. At least that's what I understand by reading it. Straight off the IRS website. Exemption requirements; "it (non-profit) may not attempt to influence legislation as a substantial part of its activities and it may not participate in any campaign activity for or against political candidates." Understanding 501©(3) Status A 501©(3) organization is a type of nonprofit that is eligible for federal tax exemption. These organizations are typically charitable, religious, educational, scientific, or literary in nature. The benefits of this status include tax-deductible donations and exemption from federal income tax1 . The Restrictions To maintain their tax-exempt status, 501©(3) organizations must adhere to certain restrictions, particularly regarding political activities. According to the IRS, these organizations: Cannot participate in political campaigns : This means they cannot endorse or oppose political candidates. Must limit their lobbying activities : While some lobbying is allowed, it cannot be a substantial part of their activities 2 . These restrictions are designed to ensure that tax-exempt resources are not used to influence political outcomes. However, they also mean that these organizations must tread carefully when it comes to expressing opinions on political matters. The Free Speech Trade-Off For many, these restrictions can feel like a trade-off. By choosing to operate as a 501©(3), organizations agree to limit their political speech in exchange for the benefits of tax-exempt status. This can be seen as giving up a portion of their right to free speech, particularly when it comes to speaking out against government actions or policies. Misconceptions and Clarifications It’s important to clarify that 501©(3) organizations are not entirely silenced. They can still engage in: Educational activities : Providing information on issues without advocating for specific legislation or candidates. Non-partisan voter education : Conducting voter registration drives and providing information on voting without bias 3 . However, the line between education and advocacy can sometimes be blurry, leading to cautious self-censorship to avoid jeopardizing their tax-exempt status. Conclusion The decision to become a 501©(3) organization involves weighing the benefits of tax exemption against the limitations on political speech. While these restrictions are intended to prevent the misuse of tax-exempt resources, they also highlight a unique aspect of the free speech debate in the nonprofit sector. Understanding these nuances is crucial for any organization considering this path.

  • The Hidden Masters of Taxes: Modern-Day Slavery?

    The Hidden Masters of Modern-Day Slavery: Unveiling the Truth Behind Taxes and Currency The concept of property being taken due to unpaid taxes can indeed feel like theft. Legally, it’s known as a tax lien  or tax foreclosure , where the government claims property to recover unpaid taxes. This process is often seen as unfair by many people. But let’s delve deeper into the roots of this system. The first person to make a $1 bill is your master. Who created the first $1 bill? Or who was the first person to implement a coin, which is essentially the same thing—a currency coin form of trade? Imagine I created the first gold coin and told you to do some work for me. In return, I would give you this coin, but you would have to give me 10% of the coin back as taxes. Where would you get the second coin, a 10% coin, to pay me back? This is a pyramid scheme that’s been going on throughout history. You cannot create a $1 bill, hire someone to do some work for you, give them a $1 bill, and expect them to pay back a portion when there’s only one in existence. So where does the second one come from? The answer is your master. And there are many masters in this world; each country has a master because all countries do the exact same thing in creating currency coins and digits on the computer. Long ago, do you think people would work for you for some digits on a computer? These concepts are instilled in children’s minds through our current schooling system. Your master or masters are the ones who write the books for your kids to read. What has your child been learning lately? People don’t even understand what slavery is, and they don’t know what taxes are. You’re forced to pay taxes or go to jail, which is a form of slavery. If you don’t pay your property tax, the county will sell your property because they own it. This is modern-day slavery. Do you think God is happy with this? The Treasury of the United States  used to create our currency. Now, America has to borrow money from an unknown entity that owns the Federal Reserve. If we had the power to create our own currency before, why don’t we now? The answer is the Federal Reserve is your master. We don’t own anything anymore. We were robbed when the Federal Reserve was enacted. America doesn’t create its own currency anymore. Our currency used to have the phrase “Treasury of the United States” printed on it. In today’s world, it says “Federal Reserve,” from which the government borrows money. This means America doesn’t own anything anymore; we’re broke because we have to borrow from somebody else. Taxation  and the creation of money are both pyramid schemes and forms of modern-day slavery. If you don’t pay your taxes, you go to jail. If you don’t pay your taxes on your property, they will sell your property or steal it—same thing. So who is your true master? Who really owns America? If we owned America, we wouldn’t have to borrow money all the time. End of story.

  • Modern-Day Slavery?

    The Illusion of Ownership: A Modern-Day Slavery? Slavery : This is when one person completely owns and controls another person, forced  or forcing  them to do things, and taking away their freedom and rights. When we talk about freedom and rights, a glaring question arises: why can you not truly own your property? You paid for it, not the government. Yet, if you can’t afford to pay property taxes, the government will take it away, lining their pockets in the process. Does this mean we were robbed years ago  when property taxes were introduced? You don’t have the right to own anything  except your vehicle and personal belongings inside your house. You don’t actually own the house itself, as the government can claim your property as their own if you fail to pay your property taxes. This essentially makes you homeless, and forced  off your  property you paid for. People claim they want to help the homeless, but how can they when they continue to take away homes from those who can’t afford property taxes? If you can’t afford to pay your property taxes, it means you’re already financially struggling. You’ve worked all your life to pay for that house, and yet, they believe they have the right to take it from you. Did you ever vote to give them the rights to your property? Did you vote for them to steal your property if you’re unable to pay for it? If you can’t afford to pay your property taxes, it means you don’t have any money,  and you’re at risk of becoming homeless because they’re taking your house from you for not paying the property taxes. Being Forced to Do Something : This can happen in many ways. For example, you feel forced to pay taxes or follow certain rules to avoid jail. Did you vote for this? Did you vote for them to send you to jail because you couldn’t pay your taxes? If you don’t pay your property taxes, they will take your property from you. This means they own the property because if you don’t pay your taxes, also called rent, they will take it back. The only thing  free  in this world is air. If you can’t afford to pay taxes, it means you are broke, you don’t have any money, and you’re at risk of becoming homeless . Do you think they really care? Some people care, and I know I do. God cares too. This blog post aims to highlight the parallels between historical slavery and modern-day financial obligations that can strip away one’s sense of ownership and security. It questions the fairness of property taxes and the broader implications on personal freedom and rights. What are your thoughts on this issue? How do you think we can address these concerns in a way that aligns with our values of freedom and justice?

  • Dreams of Spiritual Spaceships

    Divine Chariots: Dreams of Spiritual Spaceships and Biblical Visions I had a couple of dreams that felt deeply significant. In one of them, a spaceship with a rectangular shape, brown in color with rainbow hues around it, landed at my mother’s house. I boarded the spaceship and laid down in a bed with my arms slightly out to the side, and this position powered the spaceship. Once powered the spaceship stays powered unless you shut it off. The spaceship harnessed the energy within my body to power the spaceship. Considering that the human body can generate up to 6 volts of electricity, having several people on board could easily start the spaceship using their combined electrical currents. In another dream, I saw a similar spaceship that landed behind my house. These dreams remind me of the biblical imagery of flying chariots. For instance, in 2 Kings 2:11 , it says, “As they were walking along and talking together, suddenly a chariot of fire and horses of fire appeared and separated the two of them, and Elijah went up to heaven in a whirlwind.” Similarly, Ezekiel 1:4-28  describes a vision of God’s chariot, with wheels and living creatures, moving with the spirit. Psalm 68:17  also mentions, “The chariots of God are tens of thousands and thousands of thousands; the Lord has come from Sinai into his sanctuary.” Additional scriptures that mention flying chariots and similar things: Isaiah 66:15 : “For behold, the Lord will come with fire, and with His chariots, like a whirlwind, to render His anger with fury, and His rebuke with flames of fire.” Zechariah 6:1-5 : “And I turned, and lifted up mine eyes, and looked, and, behold, there came four chariots out from between two mountains; and the mountains were mountains of brass. In the first chariot were red horses; and in the second chariot black horses; and in the third chariot white horses; and in the fourth chariot grisled and bay horses. Then I answered and said unto the angel that talked with me, What are these, my lord? And the angel answered and said unto me, These are the four spirits of the heavens, which go forth from standing before the Lord of all the earth.” Psalm 104:3 : “He lays the beams of His upper chambers in the waters, Who makes the clouds His chariot, Who walks on the wings of the wind.” Habakkuk 3:8 : “Was the Lord displeased against the rivers? Was Your anger against the rivers? Was Your wrath against the sea, that You rode on Your horses, Your chariots of salvation?”

  • Dream of the Neptune People

    Dream of the Neptune People: A Spiritual Encounter In a recent dream, I found myself in the presence of beings from the planet Neptune. These extraordinary people, who have a stronger faith in God than we do, came to Earth to protect me. Their spacecraft was a sight to behold: rectangular, brown with rainbow colors adorning the sides. The Neptune men, standing at about 5 feet 10 inches tall, had black hair cut straight across the front. Despite their average appearance, they possessed incredible strength. The women, equally striking with their long black hair, were beautiful and graceful. The Arrival and the Mission The Neptune people surrounded my house, ready to protect me. However, they were momentarily distracted by beautiful women angels and left their post. During their absence, I was spiritually attacked by demons. Although the Neptune people returned, the damage had been done. This experience reminded me of the importance of unwavering vigilance in spiritual warfare. “For He will command His angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways.”  - Psalm 91:11 The Role of the Neptune People Interestingly, the Neptune people integrated into our society by taking on various jobs. Some worked at McDonald’s, while others became police officers. Regardless of their occupation, their primary mission was to protect us. By spreading out and working in different places, they could offer better protection. “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.”  - Ephesians 6:12 The End Times and Spiritual Warfare The dream also touched on the end times, as described in the Book of Revelation. The Neptune people, with their love for music (hence the word “tune” in Neptune), and their ability to travel through doors between planets, symbolize the spiritual battles we face and the divine protection we receive. “And there was war in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon; and the dragon fought and his angels.”  - Revelation 12:7 Conclusion This dream was a vivid reminder of the spiritual realm and the battles that occur beyond our physical sight. The Neptune people, with their faith and strength, serve as a metaphor for the divine protection we receive from God and His angels. It also highlights the importance of staying vigilant and faithful, even when faced with distractions and challenges. “The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still.”  - Exodus 14:14 May this dream inspire you to strengthen your faith and remain steadfast in your spiritual journey.

  • Why Jesus is Not God Jehovah

    Why Jesus is Not God Jehovah: Exploring Biblical Scriptures and Interpretations John 1:18 "No man hath seen God at any time" This verse clearly shows that if you seen Jesus, you didn't see God the Father Jehovah. The belief that Jesus is not God is held by some Christian denominations and groups. They often cite various scriptures to support their view. Here are a few key points and verses that are commonly referenced: Jesus Prayed to God : If Jesus were God, it would be unusual for Him to pray to Himself. For example, in the Garden of Gethsemane, Jesus prayed, “My Father, if it is possible, may this cup be taken from me. Yet not as I will, but as you will” (Matthew 26:39). Jesus Acknowledged the Father as Greater : Jesus said, “The Father is greater than I” (John 14:28). This suggests a distinction in status between Jesus and God the Father. Jesus Did Not Know the Day or Hour : In Mark 13:32, Jesus states, “But about that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father.” This indicates that Jesus did not possess all knowledge, which is a characteristic of God. Jesus Was Sent by God : Jesus often spoke of being sent by God. For instance, in John 17:3, He says, “Now this is eternal life: that they know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom you have sent.” Jesus Referred to God as His God : After His resurrection, Jesus told Mary Magdalene, “I am ascending to my Father and your Father, to my God and your God” (John 20:17). Jesus’ Role as Mediator : The Bible describes Jesus as a mediator between God and humanity. In 1 Timothy 2:5, it states, “For there is one God and one mediator between God and mankind, the man Christ Jesus.” This suggests a distinct role for Jesus, separate from God. Jesus’ Subordination to God : In 1 Corinthians 15:28, Paul writes, “When he has done this, then the Son himself will be made subject to him who put everything under him, so that God may be all in all.” This indicates that Jesus will be subject to God, highlighting a hierarchical relationship. Jesus’ Human Limitations : Hebrews 4:15 mentions, “For we do not have a high priest who is unable to empathize with our weaknesses, but we have one who has been tempted in every way, just as we are—yet he did not sin.” This verse underscores Jesus’ human experiences and limitations, which are not attributes of God. Jesus’ Distinct Identity : In John 17:1-3, Jesus prays, “Father, the hour has come. Glorify your Son, that your Son may glorify you. For you granted him authority over all people that he might give eternal life to all those you have given him. Now this is eternal life: that they know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom you have sent.” Here, Jesus distinguishes himself from “the only true God.” Jesus’ Mission and Obedience : Philippians 2:5-8 describes Jesus’ humility and obedience: "In your relationships with one another, have the same mindset as Christ Jesus: Who, being in very nature God, did not consider equality with God something to be used to his own advantage; rather, he made … Jesus’ Temptation : Hebrews 4:15 states, “For we do not have a high priest who is unable to empathize with our weaknesses, but we have one who has been tempted in every way, just as we are—yet he did not sin.” This indicates that Jesus experienced temptation, whereas James 1:13 says, “God cannot be tempted by evil.” Jesus’ Death : Jesus experienced physical death, as described in Matthew 27:50, “And when Jesus had cried out again in a loud voice, he gave up his spirit.” In contrast, 1 Timothy 6:16 describes God as “who alone is immortal and who lives in unapproachable light, whom no one has seen or can see.” Visibility of Jesus and God : People could see and touch Jesus. For example, in John 20:27, Jesus tells Thomas, “Put your finger here; see my hands. Reach out your hand and put it into my side. Stop doubting and believe.” However, Exodus 33:20 states, “But,” he said, “you cannot see my face, for no one may see me and live.” Jesus’ Human Nature : Philippians 2:6-8 describes Jesus’ humility and incarnation: “Who, being in very nature God, did not consider equality with God something to be used to his own advantage; rather, he made himself nothing by taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness. And being found in appearance as a man, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to death—even death on a cross!” Jesus’ Relationship with God : In John 5:19, Jesus says, “Very truly I tell you, the Son can do nothing by himself; he can do only what he sees his Father doing, because whatever the Father does the Son also does.” This indicates a dependent relationship where Jesus follows the Father’s lead. These points and scriptures are often used to argue that Jesus, while divine and the Son of God, is distinct from God the Father and not God Himself. This perspective emphasizes the humanity and subordination of Jesus to God the Father.             “The Divine Name: Unveiling Jehovah in Scripture” The name Jehovah   holds profound significance in the Judeo-Christian  tradition. It is a name that encapsulates the divine attributes and serves as a powerful symbol of God’s presence and authority. Let us explore the biblical references where this sacred name appears in the King James Version (KJV).   1. Psalms 83:18 "That men may know that thou, whose name alone is JEHOVAH ,  art the most high over all the earth." In this verse, the psalmist acknowledges God’s supremacy by emphasizing that His name— JEHOVAH —stands alone as the highest authority over the entire earth.   2. Isaiah 12:2 "Behold, God is my salvation; I will trust, and not be afraid: for the LORD JEHOVAH  is my strength and my song; he also is become my salvation." Isaiah extols the Lord as the source of salvation, emphasizing that JEHOVAH  is not only the strength of His people but also their song of deliverance.   3. Exodus 6:3 "And I appeared unto Abraham, unto Isaac, and unto Jacob, by the name of God Almighty, but by my name JEHOVAH  was I not known to them. " In this passage, God reveals His name JEHOVAH  to Moses, highlighting its significance as a revelation distinct from His previous interactions with the patriarchs.   4. Isaiah 26:4 "Trust ye in the LORD for ever: for in the LORD JEHOVAH  is everlasting strength." Isaiah emphasizes that JEHOVAH  provides unwavering strength—an eternal foundation for trust and reliance.   5. Genesis 22:14 "And Abraham called the name of that place JEHOVAH jireh: as it is said to this day, In the mount of the Lord it shall be seen."   6. Exodus 17:15 "And Moses built an altar, and called the name of it JEHOVAH nissi:"   7. Judges 6:24 "Then Gideon built an altar there unto the Lord, and called it JEHOVAH shalom: unto this day it is yet in Ophrah of the Abiezrites.   Remember, the King James Version preserves the sacredness of this name,  allowing us to connect with the Almighty through the ages. Other translations have removed  God's name JEHOVAH  in the Bible, and some translations have removed JEHOVAH all together  and replaced it with the name Lord. "The More You Know" Jesus is Not God Jehovah

  • Electrical Grids and Heavenly Visions

    Divine Electrical Grids and Heavenly Visions In an earlier blog post, I shared part of my dream, but now I want to reveal the rest. Previously, I spoke of a rectangular white electrical grid that hoovers over earth, where they watch us. We combined many of these electrical grids to create a larger one where God could speak anything into existence. Unfortunately, the first electrical grid failed as people reverted to war and conflict. We then created a second level of electrical grids, where you could make trees, houses, and make anything else appear. Everything is made of electricity: the earth’s dirt holds electricity, the air holds electricity, and our bodies hold around six volts of electricity. However, the second electrical grid also failed due to continued battles among people. As we contemplated creating a third level electrical grid, God intervened. He wanted to show us something. God took us to a electrical grid He had created, which was transparent and resembled glass. You could walk on it and see through it. This grid was fascinating because, like the previous ones, God could make trees, houses, and grass appear on it. But this electrical grid was endless, never-ending. Revelation 21:21: "The twelve gates were twelve pearls, each of the gates made of a single pearl, and the street of the city was pure gold, like transparent glass ." In heaven, electric cars never need charging because they draw energy from the grid, similar to how Earth operates. The soil holds negative electricity, and the air holds positive electricity. Our bodies also contain around six volts of electricity. As you can see, electricity is present in almost everything. This concept aligns with what Nikola Tesla was working on, but his ideas were never fully realized because no one wanted to give anything away for free. The Bible says, “For the love of money is the root of all evil” (1 Timothy 6:10) . I will share more of my dreams at a later date, so check back often.

  • Christian Perspective on Popular Movies and TV Shows

    Finding Faith in Unexpected Places: A Christian Perspective on Popular Movies and TV Shows In today’s world, we often find ourselves immersed in various forms of entertainment, from epic sci-fi adventures to heartwarming dramas. As Christians, it’s important to seek out and reflect on the deeper meanings and spiritual lessons that can be found in these stories. Let’s explore some popular movies and TV shows and uncover the Christian themes and values they may hold. Movies The Wandering Earth This sci-fi epic tells the story of humanity’s efforts to move Earth to a new star system to escape a dying sun. The film highlights themes of sacrifice, unity, and hope. As Christians, we can see parallels to our faith journey, where we are called to work together, often making personal sacrifices, to achieve a greater good. The hope for a new home echoes the Christian hope for eternal life with God. Ne Zha Based on Chinese mythology, this animated fantasy film follows the story of a young boy destined to bring destruction but who chooses to fight against his fate. This narrative reminds us of the Christian belief in free will and redemption. No matter our past or the expectations placed upon us, we have the power to choose a path of righteousness and transformation through Christ. Hi, Mom A touching comedy-drama about a woman who travels back in time to meet her mother, “Hi, Mom” explores themes of love, family, and reconciliation. This film can remind us of the importance of honoring our parents and the healing power of forgiveness, which are core Christian values. Detective Chinatown Series This popular comedy-mystery series combines humor with intriguing detective work. While it may seem purely entertaining, it also emphasizes the importance of truth and justice. As Christians, we are called to seek truth and act justly in our lives, reflecting God’s character. TV Shows The Untamed A fantasy drama based on the novel “Mo Dao Zu Shi,” this show features themes of friendship, loyalty, and adventure. The deep bonds between characters can remind us of the Christian call to love one another and build strong, supportive communities. Story of Yanxi Palace Set in the Qing Dynasty, this historical drama focuses on palace intrigue and romance. It highlights the complexities of human relationships and the pursuit of integrity amidst corruption. As Christians, we are reminded to uphold our values and integrity, even in challenging circumstances. Love Between Fairy and Devil This romantic fantasy drama weaves elements of mythology with themes of love and sacrifice. The story can be seen as a reflection of Christ’s sacrificial love for humanity and the transformative power of love in overcoming darkness. The Longest Day in Chang’an A historical thriller set in the Tang Dynasty, this show revolves around a race against time to prevent a catastrophe. It underscores the importance of vigilance, courage, and perseverance. These qualities are also essential in our Christian walk as we navigate the challenges of life with faith and determination. Conclusion While these movies and TV shows come from diverse cultural backgrounds and genres, they all contain elements that resonate with Christian values and teachings. By looking for these deeper meanings, we can enrich our viewing experiences and find inspiration for our faith journey. Remember, God can speak to us through various mediums, and it’s up to us to listen and reflect on His messages.

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