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作家相片Michael Hopkins

Electrical Grids and Heavenly Visions

Divine Electrical Grids and Heavenly Visions

In an earlier blog post, I shared part of my dream, but now I want to reveal the rest. Previously, I spoke of a rectangular white electrical grid that hoovers over earth, where they watch us. We combined many of these electrical grids to create a larger one where God could speak anything into existence. Unfortunately, the first electrical grid failed as people reverted to war and conflict.

We then created a second level of electrical grids, where you could make trees, houses, and make anything else appear. Everything is made of electricity: the earth’s dirt holds electricity, the air holds electricity, and our bodies hold around six volts of electricity. However, the second electrical grid also failed due to continued battles among people.

As we contemplated creating a third level electrical grid, God intervened. He wanted to show us something. God took us to a electrical grid He had created, which was transparent and resembled glass. You could walk on it and see through it. This grid was fascinating because, like the previous ones, God could make trees, houses, and grass appear on it. But this electrical grid was endless, never-ending.

Revelation 21:21: "The twelve gates were twelve pearls, each of the gates made of a single pearl, and the street of the city was pure gold, like transparent glass."

In heaven, electric cars never need charging because they draw energy from the grid, similar to how Earth operates. The soil holds negative electricity, and the air holds positive electricity. Our bodies also contain around six volts of electricity. As you can see, electricity is present in almost everything. This concept aligns with what Nikola Tesla was working on, but his ideas were never fully realized because no one wanted to give anything away for free.

The Bible says, “For the love of money is the root of all evil” (1 Timothy 6:10). I will share more of my dreams at a later date, so check back often.

Electrical Grids and Heavenly Visions

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