"global homelessness relief," "international homeless aid organization," "homeless missions abroad," "supporting homeless globally," "international homeless charity," "donate to homeless cause worldwide," and "missions to help homeless internationally."
"It is more blessed to give than to receive." (Acts 20:35)
Jehovah Saints Church Collaboration Form
“Working Together to Serve Jehovah and Our Community”
Thank you for your interest in collaborating with Jehovah Saints. We believe that by working together, we can expand the reach of our ministry and make a greater impact in our communities for the glory of Jehovah. Please complete this form so we can better understand your church’s goals and how we can partner with you.
1. Church Information
Church Name: ____________________________________________
Denomination/Affiliation: __________________________________
Address: _______________________________________________
City: ___________________________ State: ______________ Zip Code: ___________
Website: _______________________________________________
Contact Person: _________________________________________
Position/Title: _________________________________________
Phone Number: ________________________________________
Email Address: _________________________________________
2. Collaboration Goals
What type of collaboration are you interested in? (Check all that apply)
☐ Hosting joint worship services or events
☐ Community outreach (e.g., feeding programs, homeless shelters, etc.)
☐ Evangelism and discipleship programs
☐ Youth and children’s ministry initiatives
☐ Volunteer opportunities
☐ Training and workshops (e.g., leadership, ministry development)
☐ Other: _______________________________________________
Briefly describe your church’s vision and goals for this collaboration:
What specific needs or areas of support does your church have?
3. Proposed Collaboration Details
What specific programs or events would you like to collaborate on?
Proposed timeline for collaboration (if applicable):
Start Date: ___________________________
End Date: ___________________________
What resources can your church contribute to this collaboration? (Check all that apply)
☐ Financial support
☐ Facilities/venue
☐ Volunteers/staff
☐ Equipment or supplies
☐ Expertise/training
☐ Other: _______________________________________________
4. Additional Information
Has your church collaborated with Jehovah Saints before?
☐ Yes
☐ No
If yes, please describe the previous collaboration(s):
Is there any additional information you would like to share about your church or this potential collaboration?
5. Agreement and Next Steps
By submitting this form, I affirm that the information provided is accurate to the best of my knowledge. I understand that Jehovah Saints will review this application and contact me to discuss the next steps for collaboration.
Signature: _____________________________________________
Printed Name: __________________________________________
Date: _________________________________________________
Jehovah Saints Contact Information
For questions or to submit this form, please contact:
Email: mykulscom@gmail.com
Phone: +1 573-891-1933
Mailing Address:
205 W Business US Hwy 60 PMB 303
Dexter, MO 63841
We look forward to partnering with you in service to Jehovah and our community. Together, we can do His work and bring light to those in need!