Jehovah Saints Archbishops & Bishops
All Bishops give "you" 10% of "their" offerings to the Archbishop on
22nd, of every month. All 10% offerings you receive, Archbishop, give
10% of your offerings received to CEO Michael Hopkins, as I
will be working worldwide as soon as I get done with the USA, which
should not take long, if everything goes as planned.
● 10% is not required, but if they want a blessing from God, this
is how it works
Jehovah Saints Global Outreach Worldwide Headquarters
CEO: Michael Hopkins
205 W Business US Hwy 60 PMB 303
Dexter, MO 63841
Phone: +1(573) 891-1933 USA
Text: +1 (573) 568-8887 USA
Pray and talk to God in your mind all the
“Godspeed Archbishops”
“Expression of good wishes to a person starting a journey”
“If we all pull together, how happy we’ll be!”

Contact us to become a Bishop, or Archbishop
Get in touch so we can start working together.

Jehovah Saints Headquarters for South Sudan
Archbishop Daniel Deng Bol
Juba, Aweil, South Sudan
Email: dengatoc@gmail.com
Phone number: +211921163669
Jehovah Saints Headquarters for Malawi
Archbishop Vincent (Victor) Phiri
P.Box 30 , Thuchila, Malawi, Africa
email: victorphr1@gmail.com
Phone number: +265999101050
Phone Number: +265888639566
Jehovah Saints Headquarters for Bangladesh
Archbishop Ripon Das
email: goutamdas01755@gmail.com
Phone: +8801798881530
Jehovah Saints Headquarters for Nigeria
Archbishop Eyitayo Olorund
No 31 Stanley Maka street Shell road Sapele Delta state Nigeria, Africa
Email: eyitayoolorunda@gmail.com
Phone number: +2348062893124
Jehovah Saints Headquarters for
Democratic Republic of the Congo
Archbishop Fataki Mulizi
B.P. 392. Cyangugu Rwanda via D.R. Congo
email: bwirafataki@gmail.com
Phone Number: +243998902303