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  • Overflowing Blessings: God's Delight in Your Prosperity

    Have you ever wondered why some people seem to be blessed beyond measure? It's a question that has crossed many minds, and today, we delve into the divine perspective on this phenomenon. You see, our God is not a God of scarcity, but rather a God of abundance. The scriptures tell us, let the Lord be magnified, who takes pleasure in the prosperity of his servant. Imagine, if you will, a river that overflows its banks, not because it is a destructive force, but because it is so full, so abundant, that it cannot help but spill over onto the surrounding landscapes. That's the kind of prosperity our God delights in bestowing upon his children. He desires for you to have not just enough to meet your own needs, but an overflow, a surplus, a bounty that spills over onto those around you. Just as a parent's heart swells with joy when they see their child thriving and succeeding, our Heavenly Father derives pleasure from our prosperity. He wants you to excel, to thrive, to be so abundantly blessed that your blessings become a source of blessing for others. But here's the catch. You must make room for this prosperity in your thinking. You must anticipate his blessings, expect his favor. You see, faith is the currency of the divine, and it's through faith that we unlock the dreams that have been planted in your heart and start thanking him for his abundance in every aspect of your life. Declare that because you walk in obedience, God's blessings are going to chase you down and overtake you. Don't settle for the mentality of just enough. Cultivate an overflow mentality, and watch as God's hand of blessing touches every area of your life. God wants you to be so blessed that when other people get around you, it overflows onto them. This video was brought to you by Michael Hopkins, founder of Jehovah's House of Saints Homeless Mission. Visit us at But how do we receive these overflowing blessings, you may ask? The answer lies not in the physical world, but in the realm of our thoughts and beliefs. Imagine your mind as a vessel. For blessings to pour in, there must be space available. The key to receiving overflowing blessings is to make room for them in our thinking. It is about clearing out the clutter of doubt, fear, and negativity, and making space for faith, hope, and positivity. It is about expecting and believing that God wants to bless us, that he takes joy in our prosperity. You see, God's blessings are like a river that flows endlessly. But if we don't believe that we are worthy of those blessings, it's like building a dam across that river. The water, the blessings, can't get through. But when we make room in our thinking, when we truly believe and expect that God wants to bless us, it's like breaking down that dam.

  • God Laughs in the Heavens: A Divine Perspective

    Have you ever pondered the notion of God in all His glory laughing up in the heavens? Picture it. God, seated on His throne, not vexed or perturbed about the economy, not upset with you or me. Instead, He is brimming with joy, releasing hearty laughs into the celestial expanse. Psalm 37 gives us a glimpse into the reason behind His mirth. It tells us that He laughs because He anticipates the downfall of the enemy. Essentially, God's laughter stems from His knowledge of how the story ends. He is aware of the final outcome. And the best part? You and I, we emerge victorious. God always ensures that we triumph. Now, imagine this scenario. You're watching the Super Bowl, but you're already privy to the outcome. You know which team is going to hoist the trophy. No matter how much the destined winners lag behind, no matter how bleak their prospects seem, you remain unflustered. You don't worry. Why? Because you're in possession of inside information. You're aware of the final outcome. And that's the message God is imparting to us today. When the going gets tough, and the situation seems dire, we can find solace in the fact that with God, we're on the winning team. Today you have the opportunity to share in His laughter, knowing that He has favor, strength and victory lined up for your future. Let's close with a prayer for today. Father, I choose to place my trust in you and find rest. Thank you for ensuring victory in all facets of my life. Today provide me with opportunities to share your joy and love with those around me, all in the name of Jesus. Amen. In conclusion, this video has taken us on a journey through the laughter of God, a laughter born out of His knowledge of the ultimate victory that awaits us. It's a reminder that no matter the trials we face with God, we're always on the winning team. So find solace in His mirth, share in His laughter, and look forward to the favor, strength and victory He has in store for your future. This video was brought to you by Michael Hopkins, the founder of Jehovah's House of Saints Homeless Mission. For more, visit us at

  • Embrace God's Exceeding Expectations

    Have you ever wondered what if I could exceed my own expectations? Allow me to introduce you to a concept that just might change your life, the art of arising and shining. Imagine waking up each day with a renewed sense of purpose, stepping into your potential with an unwavering confidence that you are on a path to greatness. This is what it means to arise and shine. You see, there's an incredible force at work in your life, one that has grand plans for you, plans that may exceed even your wildest dreams. This force is none other than God and he has a storehouse filled with amazing things just for you. He's not just interested in meeting your expectations, he's in the business of surpassing them. He's ready to take you to places you've never even dared to dream about and do things in your life that you've never imagined. Now you might be wondering, how is this possible? It's all because his glory is rising upon his people. This means that things are starting to align in your favor. The pieces are falling into place, creating a path for you to accomplish that which he has placed in your heart. But here's the catch. This journey isn't always going to be easy. There will be mornings when you'll need to muster the strength to rise, days when you'll need to shine, even when all you want to do is hide. There may be moments when your mind will try to talk you out of it, times when discouragement will try to hold you back. But remember, you are stronger than you think. You have the power to rise above your circumstances, to shine brighter than your challenges. So when you wake up tomorrow and the day after that, and every day henceforth rise and shine, embrace the day with the knowledge that it's a day that the Lord has made and choose to rejoice in it. Expect his goodness, for he has amazing things in store for you. Remember, even the hidden dreams that you've given up on, God has not given up on, your mind may try to talk you out of it. But if you listen with your heart, this truth will resonate within you. It's all too easy to let discouragement seep into our lives, to let it sit heavy on our hearts. But remember this, you hold the power to rise above it. The key lies in choosing not to let it hold you back or keep you down. The power of choice is a remarkable thing. It's not just about deciding what to eat for breakfast or which route to take to work. It's about choosing your perspective, your mindset. It's about choosing to rejoice in him and expecting his goodness. Every day presents a new opportunity to choose joy, to choose faith, to choose resilience. So let's make the most of it. Every morning rise up and declare, today is the day that the Lord has made. Let that be your daily mantra, your reminder to embrace the power of choice. Choosing to arise and shine is choosing to receive every spiritual blessing he has in store for you. This is the key to unlocking a life beyond your wildest dreams, an existence filled with blessings that overflow and pour into every aspect of your life.

  • Unleashing Your Inner Power

    Have you ever paused to ponder the profound question of your life's destiny? What if I told you, you are destined for blessing? Yes, indeed. As a masterpiece of creation, you are crafted in the divine image, reborn from above, spiritually transformed, renewed, and prepared for good works. This is not a random act, but a deliberate design by the divine craftsman, God himself, to set you on paths of righteousness and blessing. Imagine the world as a grand stage, where you are the protagonist, and every scene, every act, has been meticulously designed for your benevolence. From the moment of your spiritual birth, you have been equipped with everything necessary to live as an overcomer, a victor. The seeds of success are planted deep within you, growing and waiting to bear fruit. But how do you harness this potential? How do you tap into this divine reservoir of blessing? It begins with alignment. Align your thoughts, attitudes, words, and actions with God's plan. This alignment positions you to receive His spiritual blessings. Start your day as the dawn breaks with the declaration of faith. Proclaim, I am blessed, I am prosperous, I am healthy and strong, I have favor. No weapon formed against me shall prosper. I am the head and not the tail, above only and not beneath. When you utter these words, when you claim these promises, you stir the celestial realms. Your faith sets into motion God's plan for your life. Angels are dispatched, blessings are activated, and before you know it, you are living the good life that God promised, stepping into the destiny of blessing that He has prepared for you. Take a moment today to thank the Father for His love and the blessings He has set aside for you. Speak His truth over your life and strive to become the person He has called you to be. Honor Him today, tomorrow and always, in the name of Jesus. And remember, every day is a new opportunity to live out this destiny of blessing. So take what you've learned and apply it to your life. Walk in faith, proclaim your blessings, and watch as God's plan unfolds in your life. This is Michael Hopkins, founder of Jehovah's House of Saints Homeless Mission, inviting you to visit us at and join us in our mission of spreading love and blessings. Thank you, and may God bless you abundantly. Thank you, and may God bless you.

  • Bounce Back: Asking for Rain in Times of Drought

    Have you ever wondered how to overcome the setbacks that life inevitably presents to us? Every person on this planet experiences disappointments and setbacks. Life, in its unpredictability, throws curve balls that can easily push us down. Picture this, receiving distressing news about your health or facing the end of a relationship or even losing your job. These are setbacks that can leave us feeling deflated, discouraged and robbed of our enthusiasm. It's all too easy to surrender, to accept our station and to settle. But what if I told you there was another way? To experience the best that life and God have to offer, we need to cultivate a bounce back mentality. This is the essence of resilience. When life knocks you down you don't remain on the ground, instead you pick yourself up, dust yourself off and stand tall once again. When disappointments loom, you shake them off, secure in the knowledge that what was intended to harm you will be used by God for your good. Being a bounce back person means recognising that adversity is not a permanent condition. Yes, weeping may endure for a night but take heart, for joy comes with the morning. There is a promise of wonderful joy waiting for you on the other side of this trial, so stand firm, continue believing and choose to be a bounce back person. You are not just surviving, you are thriving. You're coming out stronger than before, rising higher and moving closer to fulfilling the destiny God has in store for you. Now imagine speaking these words to the heavens. Father in heaven, thank you for your grace, mercy and favour. I ask for rain in the time of rain. I ask for an increase in your favour and blessing so I can be a blessing to those around me today and always. I ask this in Jesus name, Amen. That's the power of asking for rain in your life. That's the power of resilience and faith. So why not make a difference in your life today? Why not ask for rain in your own life and see the transformation that unfolds? This is Michael Hopkins, the founder of Jehovah's House of Saints Homeless Mission, reminding you of the power of resilience and faith. Visit us at and let's journey together through life's highs and lows, always remembering to ask for rain.

  • In His Hands: A Journey of Faith and Trust

    Have you ever felt like life is spiraling out of control and you're just a helpless spectator? It's a sensation that's all too familiar, isn't it? We've all been there, navigating the stormy seas of life, grappling with situations that seem far beyond our control. It's during these times that fear and anxiety sneak in, casting long shadows of doubt and uncertainty. Yet, in the midst of this turmoil, imagine if you were held safe and secure, cradled in the palm of a benevolent hand. Now this isn't just any hand, it's a hand that is mighty and gentle, firm yet comforting. It's a hand that holds planets in place and paints the evening sky with hues of orange and purple. This is the hand of God, the divine force that is always with us, even when we feel utterly alone. When we find ourselves in the grip of fear, it's comforting to remember this divine presence. There's nothing too difficult for God, nothing impossible, nothing beyond His reach. The troubles that seem insurmountable to us are but specks of dust to Him. In the cradle of His hand, we're not just safe, we're cared for, we're not just protected, we're loved. His hand isn't just a place of refuge, it's a source of strength, it's not just a shield from harm, but a wellspring of victory. In His hand, we find everything we need, strength for the weary, courage for the fearful, hope for the desolate. So, if today finds you in the throes of a struggle, remember this, God is for you. Instead of bowing under the weight of your circumstances, lift your gaze, envision the power of God turning your situation around. See His favor, His promotion, His increase in your life. Stand in faith, and you'll witness those miraculous breakthroughs that catapult you further than you ever dreamed possible. When God holds you in His hand, you are safe, you are cared for. And in that assurance, there's a peace that surpasses all understanding, a solace that even the darker storm can't take away. What if instead of worrying about your circumstances, you choose to trust in God's support? Imagine, if you will, a hand, not just any hand, but a hand filled with strength, victory and provision. This is the hand of God, and He is holding you within it. There isn't a situation too complex, a problem too big, or a hardship too overwhelming for Him. When God holds you in His hand, you're not only safe, you're cared for, you're enveloped in an embrace that is fortified with everything you need. Now consider the struggles you're currently facing. Maybe it's a job loss, a health scare, or a personal loss. These situations can feel like towering mountains, insurmountable, daunting. But what if you shifted your perspective? What if instead of worrying about your situation?

  • Uplifting Hope: A Journey Towards Faith and Positivity

    Have you ever pondered the power of hope and trust? What if it could be the very thing that propels us through life's most challenging times? Picture this. A world where adversity seems to lurk around every corner. Bad news appears to be the order of the day, and life seems fraught with difficulties. Yet amidst this chaos, there's a peace that only a divine entity can provide. This peace surfaces when we keep our hopes up, focusing our minds in the right direction. It's almost paradoxical, isn't it? Amidst turmoil, we find ourselves saying, I should be upset, I should be losing sleep at night, but I remain undeterred. I believe in the divine power that reigns supreme. I believe that every challenge is a stepping stone to something better. Keeping your hopes up is like stepping into a sphere of ease. You no longer trudge through life, discouraged or despondent. Instead, you move forward in faith, hope and expectation. This is when the divine power moves on your behalf. Suddenly you find yourself saying, the struggle seems to have eased. The pressure is off. Things are falling into place. You may not be at this stage right now, but remember, there's always hope. The divine entity that promised to guide you is faithful, and will lead you to victory throughout your life. Now imagine a prayer, a conversation with the divine. O divine entity, I declare my trust and hope in you. I believe in your faithfulness. I believe you are creating a path where none seems to exist. Fill me with your peace and joy, and give me the strength to serve you all the days of my life. So keep your hopes up. Trust in the divine, and let this belief guide you through life. To end, a note about Michael Hopkins, the founder of Jehovah's House of Saints Homeless Mission. To learn more about his work, visit, hope and trust can be the beacon that lights your path, even in the darkest times.

  • You've Got the Power: Harnessing the Power of Words

    Has it ever occurred to you how much power resides in the simple utterance of a single word? How the mere vocalization of our thoughts can influence the world around us, shaping our lives and the lives of others? Picture a forest, vast and unending. Each tree, each blade of grass, began as a mere seed, insignificant and easily overlooked. Yet given time and the right conditions, these seeds sprout, grow and ultimately dominate the landscape. Similarly, every word we utter, every phrase we speak, is a seed. As we go about our day, we scatter these seeds, unconsciously sowing the harvest of our future. Consider the life you lead today, the joys and sorrows, the victories and defeats. All are the fruits of the seeds you've sown with your words in the past. When we choose to voice positivity, blessings, strength and joy, we plant the seeds of a future ripe with these qualities. Conversely, when we speak of defeat, failure or despair, we sow seeds that will inevitably yield a harvest mirroring these sentiments. The beauty of this concept is the power it bestows upon us. No matter where you stand in life today, the power to shape your future is literally on the tip of your tongue. The simple act of aligning your words with the divine positivity of the universe, even for a mere five minutes a day, can profoundly shift the trajectory of your life. Choose to speak words of life, of blessing. Choose to put the divine at the forefront of your life. For it is through this choice that you wield the power to shape your future, to embrace the life that the universe has lovingly prepared for you. As we conclude, take a moment to reflect, internalize this simple yet powerful prayer. Divine Father, I thank you for empowering me to live a life of victory and freedom. Today, I choose life by aligning my words with your divine positivity. Guide me through your spirit to consistently sow seeds of life and blessings into my future. I pray this in the spirit of universal love and harmony. Amen. Remember, each word you speak is a seed. Be mindful of what you sow, for you will inevitably reap its harvest. Michael Hopkins, the founder of Jehovah's House of Saints Homeless Mission, invites you to learn more about our mission and how you can contribute to creating a world filled with love and compassion. Visit us at Your words have the power to change lives. Choose them wisely.

  • Unleashing the Supernatural: A New Perspective

    Have you ever wondered why, in the face of adversity, some individuals managed to rise above their circumstances while others remained stuck? Could it be the confines of their own thinking, their limiting beliefs, or could it be the power of a supernatural perspective that propels them forward? Imagine for a moment a woman named Sarah, a single mother, working two jobs, barely making ends meet. She often found herself drowning in self-doubt, convinced she was destined for a life of hardship. But one day she decided to change her perspective. She chose to believe there was a greater force, a supernatural entity, working in her favor. And with that belief, Sarah started to see doors open where there were once only walls. Remember John, a man plagued by a life-threatening illness. Doctors had all but given up on him, but John held on to the belief that a supernatural power was at work. He believed that this power could do what medical science couldn't. And against all odds, John's health began to improve. He attributed his miracle to his unwavering faith in the supernatural. These stories illustrate how a supernatural perspective can alter the course of one's life. You see, we often limit ourselves by our own thinking. We convince ourselves that we lack the talent, the connections, or the resources. We believe that some situations are beyond repair, be it a broken marriage or a mountain of debt. But this is a limited perspective born out of a focus on the natural world. It's important to understand that we are part of a grander design orchestrated by a supernatural God, a God who can create opportunities that propel us to new heights, a God who can bless us abundantly beyond our wildest dreams, a God who can make the impossible possible. It's time to remove the shackles of limiting beliefs. It's time to lift our eyes to Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith. It's time to trust that he is working behind the scenes, creating a way even when we can't see one. Remember, what may seem impossible to man becomes possible when God adds his super to our natural. So hold on to that supernatural perspective and watch miracles unfold before we part ways a prayer. Father, thank you for your hand of blessing on my life. Help me to take the limits off my thoughts and see with a supernatural perspective. Today, I choose to lift up my eyes to you, Jesus, the author and finisher of my faith in Jesus name. Amen. Michael Hopkins, the founder of Jehovah's House of Saints Homeless Mission, invites you to explore the mission further. Visit to learn more about the work they do and perhaps find your own supernatural perspective.

  • Joseph's Journey: From Pit to Palace

    Ever pondered over the idea of having a really bad day? Now, consider this, the biblical Joseph didn't just have a bad day, he had a series of tumultuous years filled with trials and tribulations. Despite the hardship, he emerged victorious, teaching us valuable lessons of perseverance, faith, and forgiveness. Our tale begins in the book of Genesis, where we find Joseph, a young man favored by his father, yet envied by his brothers. This envy leads them to commit an unthinkable act, throwing Joseph into a pit and selling him into slavery to Pharaoh's men. Joseph, now a slave, finds himself in the house of Potiphar, a high-ranking official. In a twist of fate, Potiphar's wife takes a liking to Joseph, but when he denies her advances, she falsely accuses him of rape. This accusation lands Joseph in prison, marking another low point in his life. But the story doesn't end here. While in prison, Joseph discovers a unique ability, the power to interpret dreams. This gift catches the attention of Pharaoh, who has been troubled by his own dreams. With his astute interpretations, Joseph not only earns his freedom, but also secures a position as the second-in-command of Egypt. When famine engulfs the land, it's Joseph's strategic planning that ensures no one goes hungry, including his family. Despite the wrongs done to him, Joseph extends his generosity to his brothers, proving his virtue. He welcomes his father and provides for his family, offering chariots, horses, and food. Throughout his ordeal, Joseph never complains. Instead, he sees the hand of the divine in his journey. He believes that his hardships were meant for a greater good, stating, you intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives. The story of Joseph leaves us with invaluable lessons. It teaches us about the power of perseverance, the importance of maintaining our integrity in the face of adversity, and the virtue of forgiveness. It reminds us that every hardship we encounter has the potential to lead us to a greater purpose, just as it did for Joseph. This compelling tale was brought to you by Michael Hopkins, the founder of Jehovah's House of Saints Homeless Mission. To learn more about their work, visit

  • The Power of Prison Ministry: Transforming Lives Behind Bars

    Have you ever pondered the importance of reaching out to those society often overlooks or discards? Consider the incarcerated for instance. They are often forgotten, tucked away behind bars and yet, they too are part of our community, our brothers and sisters. Today we dive into the story of a unique program that seeks to bridge this gap. The Prison Ministry. The Prison Ministry program is a beacon of hope in a place often devoid of it. It strives to support individuals serving time in their spiritual and personal growth. The program provides regular visits, mentorship and pastoral care to prisoners, aiding them in developing a strong moral foundation. It helps them find meaning in their lives, even behind bars, and prepares them for a successful reentry into society. In addition to spiritual guidance, the Prison Ministry program offers practical aid in the form of educational classes, vocational training and counseling. These initiatives are designed to empower prisoners, equipping them with the skills and knowledge they need to rebuild their lives once they step out of their cells. At the heart of all these efforts are the core values of compassion, faith and service. The Prison Ministry program seeks to make a positive impact on the lives of those it serves, promoting love, understanding and personal growth. It's not just about offering a helping hand, it's about fostering a sense of community, a space where everyone is valued and included. The Prison Ministry program is a manifestation of the teachings of Jesus Christ. As stated in the first letter of Peter, chapter 3, verses 15 and 16, church members are encouraged to tell others about Jesus Christ. This ministry takes that directive to heart, bringing the good news to those who might never have heard it otherwise. And as per the Great Commission in Matthew chapter 28, verses 18 to 20, every church is called to reach out beyond its local community to make disciples of all nations. The Prison Ministry program heeds this call, extending its reach into the prison system. The program also resonates with the words of Jesus in Matthew chapter 25, verses 37 to 40. It reaches out to the least of these, the poor, the needy, the incarcerated, seeing in them the face of Christ himself. But the Prison Ministry program doesn't stop there. It also draws inspiration from Luke chapter 18, verses 16 to 17, where Jesus invites the children to come to him. The ministry extends this invitation to the incarcerated, encouraging them to approach God with childlike faith. The Prison Ministry program is just one example of how outreach can be expanded. Other possibilities include outreach to the military and their families reflecting the prison and those mistreated as if we were suffering with them.

  • Christian Schools: A Different Approach to Education

    Have you ever wondered what the best environment for your child's education might be? For some families, the choice between public and Christian schools can be a challenging one. Public schools are often the default choice for many, mainly due to their accessibility and no tuition costs. However, Christian schools present a unique approach to education that aligns with the beliefs of many families. But what are the benefits and challenges of each? Christian schools offer a distinct advantage for families of faith. They integrate a Christian worldview into all subjects, providing an environment where faith and education go hand in hand. The teachers in these institutions often view their roles as a divine calling, creating an atmosphere of dedication and passion for learning. Class sizes in Christian schools tend to be smaller, allowing for more individualized attention from teachers. Furthermore, these schools often provide a safer environment with lower instances of bullying, gang violence, and drug abuse. Academically, faith-based schools often outperform their public counterparts. They also offer a range of extracurricular activities, including athletics and arts programs. Scholarships are available in many Christian schools, making them accessible to lower-income families. However, there are challenges to consider. Tuition costs can be a significant barrier for many families. Practicality issues such as parents' work schedules, transportation, and distance to and from school can also pose logistical difficulties. Public schools, on the other hand, offer a free education and are generally located within a short distance from most families' homes. But they may not align with a family's faith-based values, and parents may have concerns about peer pressure and the overall school environment. When choosing a school, parents must consider what is taught in the classroom, the type of peer pressure, and potential challenges to their children's faith, values, and even gender. Biblical passages such as Proverbs 22, 6, Matthew 19, 14, Deuteronomy 6, 6, 7, Proverbs 1, 7, and Luke 6, 40 provide guidance for Christian parents. These passages emphasize the importance of training a child in the way they should go and the value of wisdom and instruction as parents staying informed about and actively involved in your child's education is crucial. Know your child's teachers, the school's administrators, and the curricula being taught. After all, knowledge is power, and there is no bliss and ignorance when it comes to your child's education. In conclusion, both public and Christian schools have their unique benefits and challenges. As parents, the decision lies in weighing these factors and choosing the best. This is Michael Hopkins, the founder of Jehovah's House of Saints Homeless Mission, reminding you that every child deserves a quality education that nurtures their mind and spirit. Visit us at

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