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  • “Freedom Beyond Man’s Laws: Pleasing God, Not Greed”

    Introduction In a world where opinions clash, where the cacophony of human voices drowns out the divine whisper, we find ourselves at a crossroads. Do we seek approval from our fellow mortals, or do we strive to align our lives with a higher purpose? The Scriptures guide us, urging us not to say things merely to please man but to seek a deeper truth—one that transcends earthly judgments. The Call to Authenticity “Do not worry about what they think,” echoes through the ages. These words, spoken by the Savior Himself, remind us that our allegiance lies elsewhere. We are not here to curry favor with the masses, to dance to the tunes of societal norms. Instead, we are called to please God, to honor His truth even when it sets us apart. The True Christian Believers “If we speak the truth,” the Scriptures declare, “the true Christian believers, the ones strong in faith, the ones who will be leaders one day, they will know the truth.” These are the torchbearers—the ones who carry the light of authenticity. They recognize that truth is not a popularity contest; it is a divine revelation that liberates souls. Breaking the Chains of Man’s Laws “Freedom,” oh sweet word! No longer bound by the shackles of man’s laws, we soar. The legalistic structures that condemn, that imprison hearts, are mere shadows against the brilliance of God’s grace. In California, where the state charges exorbitant sums to house inmates, we witness the paradox: $100,000 per person per year. Meanwhile, our elders, like my mother, subsist on a meager $12,000 per year from Social Security. This stark contrast reveals the heart of the matter: greed. The Root of Evil “For the love of money is the root of all evil,” warns the Apostle Paul (1 Timothy 6:10). When man worships wealth, when the pursuit of profit blinds compassion, we witness the birth of darkness. The prison-industrial complex thrives on this love affair with money, while the vulnerable suffer. It is here that we encounter the embodiment of evil—Satan in the guise of man. Delighting in the Lord King David, the psalmist, whispers timeless wisdom: “Delight yourself in the Lord, and He will give you the desires of your heart” (Psalm 37:4). Our desires, purified by divine communion, become instruments of transformation. We pray, we believe, and we receive—not for selfish gain but to set captives free. Conclusion Dear seeker of truth, let us heed the Scriptures. Let us be unafraid to speak truth, to dismantle the chains forged by greed. For in pleasing God, we find our true purpose. As we delight in Him, our desires align with His will, and the prison doors swing open. May our hearts beat in rhythm with eternity, and may love, not money, be our guiding star. May this article resonate with those who seek freedom beyond man’s laws. 🙏✨

  • Kuwaiti Dinar: The World’s Most Valuable Currency

    The Kuwaiti Dinar (KWD) holds the title of the "world’s most valuable currency." Since its introduction in 1960, the Kuwaiti Dinar has consistently ranked at the top, thanks to Kuwait’s economic stability. This stability is largely driven by the country’s vast oil reserves and a tax-free system, which contributes to the high demand for its currency. The Role of Taxation in Economic Stability Michael Hopkins has been working with countries worldwide to implement a flat tax rate of 10%, a figure often referred to as the “Godly amount”. This concept is based on the biblical principle that "each person is a church where God dwells" 1 Corinthians 3:16, and "God does not dwell in churches made by hands." Acts 7:48 Everyone in the USA is a church, not the building. Therefore, all the people within the USA work together as “One” church/Nation. If a country wants the strongest currency in the world, it should implement a 10% tax rate across the board for everyone, every company. This is how it works: if America were to reduce the Corporate Taxes from 35% to the Godly amount of 10%, corporations would reinvest into their companies that God granted them, thereby creating more jobs. By creating more jobs, more tax income is generated from all the jobs created. More tax revenue would be generated this way than man’s way of thinking of 35%, and would "resolve" out homeless problem in the USA. Wealth Creation and Job Creation Wealthy people are often the ones that create jobs, as God blessed them with that business. It is not right to rob the wealthy to help the poor. Did Jesus do this? The answer is no. As stated in Deuteronomy 8:17-18, “You say in your heart, by My power and the might of my hand hath gotten me this wealth… Remember the LORD thy God: for it is JEHOVAH that giveth you power to get wealth”. In conclusion, the value of a currency is not just a reflection of a country’s economic status, but also its policies and principles. The Kuwaiti Dinar’s position as the world’s most valuable currency is a testament to this. "Jesus Christ, who is the faithful witness, the firstborn from the dead, and the ruler of the kings of the earth." Revelations 1:5 Now you see that the entire Nation is "One" church, but God dwells in you, God does not dwell in a building. If we get God's Word back into the schools, what do you "think", "believe" Jehovah and Jesus would do for us in the USA? Jesus is the ruler over all Leaders of the world. Have you included Jesus and His Father Jehovah in your Schools?

  • “Empowering the Youth: Progress Report Kampala, Uganda"

    Jehovah’s HOUSE of Saints: A Beacon of Hope and Compassion Michael Hopkins, a key figure in the Jehovah’s HOUSE of Saints, was recently presented with a progress report by Minister Marvin Ssozi in Kampala, Uganda. Marvin is working diligently with the youth of the community, guiding them on the path of righteousness in these challenging times. Nurturing the Youth Marvin shared, “We had a topic called ‘How to grow up an upright youth in this ending generation’. We discussed what a youth can rely on and possibly what he can do to uphold God’s teachings. One of the key takeaways was the importance of gathering and making communities, and continuous Bible studies.” A schedule plan has been put in place for reading the Bible and teaching the youth how to pray and reconcile. This initiative is aimed at empowering the youth and helping them grow spiritually. Consistent Progress Reports Michael Hopkins commended Marvin’s consistency in presenting progress reports on time, highlighting the dedication and commitment of the minister towards the cause.

  • Rebuilding Walls of Jerusalem: Nehemiah 1

    Nehemiah 1: A Call to Action The first chapter of the Book of Nehemiah presents a compelling narrative of personal commitment and prayerful reflection. It sets the stage for Nehemiah’s mission to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem, a task that symbolizes the restoration of the Jewish community after the Babylonian exile. Report from Jerusalem The chapter begins with a report from Jerusalem, delivered by Hanani, one of Nehemiah’s brothers. He brings news of the Jews who had survived the exile and were now living in Jerusalem. The report is grim: “The remnant there in the province who had survived the exile is in great trouble and shame. The wall of Jerusalem is broken down, and its gates are destroyed by fire” (Nehemiah 1:3). This news deeply distresses Nehemiah. The broken walls of Jerusalem are a physical manifestation of the spiritual condition of the Jewish people - vulnerable, disheartened, and in disgrace. Nehemiah’s Prayer Upon hearing this, Nehemiah responds with profound grief and prayer. He “sat down and wept and mourned for days” (Nehemiah 1:4), expressing his sorrow through fasting and prayer. His prayer is a heartfelt plea to God, acknowledging the sins of the people of Israel, including his own and his father’s house. Nehemiah’s prayer is a model of confession and intercession. He acknowledges God’s greatness and His covenant-keeping nature, confesses the sins of his people, recalls God’s promises given through Moses, and asks for favor in the sight of the king. A Servant’s Heart Nehemiah identifies himself as a servant of God, praying for the people of Israel, whom he also identifies as God’s servants. His prayer is not only for himself but also for all those who fear God’s name. He ends his prayer by asking for success and mercy in the sight of the king, revealing his position as the king’s cupbearer. In conclusion, Nehemiah 1 is a powerful chapter that showcases Nehemiah’s deep love for his people and his humble approach to God. It sets the stage for the rest of the book, where Nehemiah, guided by his faith and prayer, undertakes the monumental task of rebuilding the walls of Jerusalem.

  • Jehovah Saints Progress Report; Kampala, Uganda

    Presented to Michael Hopkins by Minister Marvin Ssozi of Kampala, Uganda, on March 30th, 2024. Community Growth Marvin states, “I started up a community that is gradually expanding having a total of 20 youths that are devoted to God. We have regular meetings at 6pm for Bible study and fruitfulness of Jehovah witness and encouraging each other. 3 elder ladies promise to join tomorrow. God is to do great.” Jehovah Saints Global Outreach Headquarters The Jehovah Saints Global Outreach Headquarters serves as a hub for their impactful initiatives. Located at 205 W Business US Highway 60, PMB 303, Dexter, MO 63841, they can be reached at +1-573-891-1933 USA. Across borders, their commitment to spreading hope, compassion, and love knows no bounds. Let us celebrate their unwavering dedication to making a positive difference in the lives of many. 🌟 Their work is a testament to the power of faith and unity, and their efforts continue to touch the lives of many around the world. The growth of the community in Kampala is a clear indication of the impact they are making. As they continue to expand, we look forward to seeing the great things God will do through them. 🌎🙏🏽

  • "Founders' Message to India: Insights from Michael Hopkins"

    "Founders' Message to India: Insights from Michael Hopkins"

  • Progress Report: New Homeless Orphans Home in Liberia

    Report By Archbishop Kavitha Poli (Grace Mary) Date: March 26th, 2024 In a significant development for Liberia, Jehovah Saints have made commendable progress in addressing the needs of homeless orphans. The project aims to provide a safe and nurturing environment for vulnerable children who have been left without shelter or family support. The Builder’s Update Archbishop Kavitha Poli (Grace Mary) recently received a video update from the builder responsible for constructing the new Jehovah Saints Global Outreach building for the homeless orphans. The footage showcases the ongoing work, highlighting the dedication and commitment of those involved. The builder’s efforts are crucial in ensuring that the facility meets the necessary standards and provides a comfortable living space for the children. Challenges and Prayers Despite the positive strides, challenges remain. Archbishop Poli emphasizes the need for continued prayers and divine intervention. Specifically, she seeks God’s guidance for two critical aspects: Roofing: The completion of the roofing structure is essential to protect the children from the elements. As the rainy season approaches, ensuring a sturdy and weather-resistant roof becomes a top priority. Bore Well: Access to clean water is fundamental for the well-being of the orphans. The bore well installation will provide a sustainable water source, allowing the children to thrive. God’s Perfect Timing Archbishop Poli echoes Michael Hopkins’ faith that God is at work in this endeavor. She remains steadfast in her faith, trusting that everything will unfold according to His perfect timing. The project’s success hinges on the collective efforts of the community, donors, and volunteers who share a common goal: to create a haven of hope and love for Liberia’s most vulnerable children. As we await further updates, let us join in prayer, supporting Archbishop Poli, Michael Hopkins, and all those involved in this noble cause. Together, we can make a difference and uplift the lives of these precious young souls. Soldier of Christ, Michael Hopkins

  • God’s Laws vs. Man’s Laws: A Comparative Analysis

    God gave us 10 Laws to live by. How many laws have men given you to live by? 1,000's? And excluding God Jehovah while creating these laws. God "ONLY" wants you to abide by the 10 laws, AND the LAW of "Love" breaks none of these Laws, whereas there is NO LAW. One would "think" if you would not do that to your next door neighbor, and would not do that to yourself. Why would you do it to anyone else? Everywhere.... Is it out of "love" when you place your next door neighbor into a concrete box in your home? Would you want your next door neighbor to place you in a concrete box in their home because they do not agree with your faith? Faith is your own set of laws that govern self, those laws are meant for you. Those laws are not meant for everyone. Read Romans chapter 14, what is Sin to one, is not Sin to another. Sin just means mistake, some "think" they have made a "mistake" but they did not in God's eyes. Don't let man get you down, God is working on all those who Pray. Jail is the same thing as housing your next door neighbor in your home for years. Read Romans chapter 14 what is sin to one is not sin to another. God is a God of LOVE, AND a God of WAR. 1 John 4:7–8 "Beloved, let us love one another, for love is from God, and whoever loves has been born of God and knows God. Anyone who does not love does not know God, because God is love." (Do you LOVE how your people are treated by the leaders everywhere?) Exodus 15:3 (KJV) "The Lord is a man of war: the Lord is his name." (2 things to explain this) #1. They did not know God's name was Jehovah at this time. Exodus 6:3 (KJV) And I appeared unto Abraham, unto Isaac, and unto Jacob, by the name of God Almighty, but by my name Jehovah was I not known to them. #2. Lord is a man? Remember:  "No man hath seen God at any time" John 1:18 (KJV) New Testament, as Jesus was not God but God through Jesus. If Jesus were God, you would not be able to look at Him. "God said, Thou canst not see my face: for there shall no man see me, and live." Exodus 33:20 #3 Answer to Exodus 15:3 (KJV) "The Lord is a man of war: the Lord is his name." Angels come in the form of man, Hebrews 13:2 and God works threw them, and speaks through them. "My sheep "know" my voice and they follow me" John 10:27-28 Remember that, as God spoke "through" Jesus, just like He can you or anyone, ones that know, know, and they will know it was God who spoke. Exodus 23:20-24 "Behold, I send an Angel before you to keep you in the way and to bring you into the place which I have prepared. Beware of Him and obey His voice; do not provoke Him, for He will not pardon your transgressions; for My name is in Him. But if you indeed obey His voice and do all that I speak, then I will be an enemy to your enemies and an adversary to your adversaries...You shall not bow down to their gods, nor serve them, nor do according to their works; but you shall utterly overthrow them and completely break down their sacred pillars. ALL prayers needed: This is what angels do, angels send messages to God, this is what prayer is. Calling on all saints of your area to pray, unite and stand up for the poor and homeless. Saints pray this prayer: “I pray for God to speak through me all the time, even when I am typing, and I pray for God to remove all my thoughts, and implant His thoughts all the time, as I do not even want my thoughts.” "Jesus said to him, "I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Jehovah except through Jesus" (John 14:6) This is why when we pray, we always end our prayer in Jesus name I pray amen. Because we cannot get to God Jehovah except "through" Jesus His Son. May God bless ALL who pray the prayer I requested. Soldier of Christ, Michael Hopkins

  • The Prayer of St. Mykul: A Journey Towards Divine Thoughts

    Introduction In the realm of spirituality, the concept of sin often surfaces as a topic of profound importance. St. Mykul, a revered figure in this domain, once said, “I am not without sin, as many angels themselves are not without sin.” This statement encapsulates a profound truth: sin, in its essence, is a mistake, and we all make mistakes. Sin: A Mistake We All Make St. Mykul’s perspective on sin is both compassionate and forgiving. He equates sin to a mistake, an error that every being, even celestial ones, are prone to commit. This view demystifies the concept of sin, stripping it of its terrifying connotations and presenting it as a part of the universal human experience. It is a call for understanding and empathy, a plea for us to recognize our shared fallibility. The Prayer of the Saints St. Mykul’s prayer is a testament to his desire for divine guidance: “I pray for God to speak through me all the time, even when I am typing, and I pray for God to remove all my thoughts, and implant His thoughts all the time, as I do not even want my thoughts.” This prayer reflects a deep yearning for divine intervention, a longing to be an instrument of the divine will. Pleasing God, Not Man St. Mykul emphasizes that our ultimate aim should be to please God, not man. This focus shifts our attention from the transient and fickle opinions of others to the eternal and unchanging will of God. It is a reminder that our actions, thoughts, and words should align with divine principles rather than societal expectations. Conclusion St. Mykul’s teachings offer a refreshing perspective on sin, prayer, and the purpose of life. They invite us to embrace our imperfections, seek divine guidance, and live a life dedicated to pleasing God. As we navigate through our journey of faith, let us remember St. Mykul’s words and strive to embody the principles they represent.

  • Kavitha Poli Appointed as Archbishop Over All of Africa

    On Thursday, March 21, 2024, a significant meeting was held where Michael Hopkins appointed Kavitha Poli, a resident of Liberia, as Archbishop over all of Africa. A Vision for Change Kavitha Poli is no stranger to service. She has been running a shelter for homeless orphans, now renamed to Jehovah Saints Global Outreach. Kavitha’s vision is clear and heartfelt. As a woman and a single mom, she is driven by her passion to bring smiles to the faces of single mothers and widows by providing them with essential needs - food, shelter, and clothing. Her personal experience as a mother to a fatherless boy fuels her burning desire to help fatherless children. She aims to provide them with food, shelter, education, and a brighter future. Expanding the Reach In the discussions about the matters in Africa, it was revealed that Kavitha will be establishing Jehovah’s HOUSE of Saints Churches all throughout Africa. Michael Hopkins explained to Kavitha that the Church building is for the fellowship of brothers and sisters. He emphasized that God does not dwell in a building made by hands, you are the temple God dwells in. Michael elucidated to her that individuals can establish a spiritual sanctuary in their own residences, comparing it to the growth process from infancy to adulthood. He clarified that even though the ministry may currently seem modest like a small tree, with nurturing care and attention, it will thrive and flourish over time. "like a tree planted by the water" Psalm 1:3 The Church building or homes are called Jehovah’s HOUSE of Saints, and the shelters are named Jehovah Saints Global Outreach. A Heartfelt Calling Kavitha was deeply moved by all the information (scripture) provided on the site and felt a strong calling to be a part of Jehovah Saints. We pray that God blesses her abundantly for her efforts put forth. As God hears all, sees all, and even knows what we are thinking all the time. Ask, and you shall receive. Contact Information Jehovah Saints Headquarters for Africa Archbishop Kavitha Poli 7000 Zwerdu 10 Liberia, West Africa Phone: +231775154563 Africa WhatsApp Number: +919502406211 Jehovah Saints Global Outreach Headquarters 205 W Business US Hwy 60 PMB 303 Dexter, Missouri 63841 Phone: 1-573-891-1933 USA

  • Salvation - Repent or Perish - Baptism?

    The path to salvation is a journey of faith and repentance. As stated in Acts 16:31, “Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved, you and your household.” This belief is not merely an intellectual acceptance but a profound transformation of the heart and mind that leads to repentance. Jesus himself emphasized the importance of repentance in Luke 13:5, saying, “unless you repent you will all likewise perish.” "Our fellowship with Jehovah and his Son Jesus Christ is rooted in this repentance and faith. When we confess our sins, Jehovah, in His faithfulness and justice, forgives us and cleanses us from all unrighteousness. However, if we deny our sins, we make Jehovah a liar, and His word is not in us." 1 John 1:3-10 While baptism is a significant ritual in many Christian traditions, it is not a requirement for salvation. Some may choose to undergo baptism to strengthen their faith, but it is not a prerequisite for salvation. This is illustrated in Mark 11:27-33, where Jesus challenges the chief priests, scribes, and elders on the question of authority. When asked about the origin of John’s baptism, they could not answer. Jesus, in turn, did not disclose the source of his authority. The scripture from Romans 10:9-10 encapsulates the essence of salvation: “If you declare with your mouth, ‘Jesus is Lord,’ and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you profess your faith and are saved.” This passage underscores the importance of both belief and confession in the journey towards salvation. In conclusion, the path to salvation is a personal journey of faith, repentance, and confession. While rituals like baptism can play a role in strengthening faith, they are not prerequisites for salvation. Ultimately, it is our belief in Jesus as Lord and our willingness to repent and confess our sins that lead us to salvation. Soldier of Christ, Michael Hopkins

  • The Biblical Truth: Wine and Alcohol

    The Bible, a sacred text for Christians worldwide, has several references to wine and alcohol. These references have been interpreted in various ways by different individuals and religious groups. This article aims to explore these references and their implications. Jesus and the Truth Jesus, the central figure of Christianity, was known for his commitment to truth. Despite facing severe consequences, including crucifixion, he never shied away from speaking the truth. This commitment to truth is a cornerstone of Christian teachings and is relevant when discussing any topic, including wine and alcohol. Proverbs 31:7 - Drinking to Forget The Bible, in Proverbs 31:7, says, “Let them drink and forget their poverty and remember their misery no more.” This verse suggests that alcohol can be used as a means to alleviate suffering and forget one’s troubles. However, it’s important to note that this doesn’t advocate for irresponsible drinking. Proverbs 31:6 - Strong Drink for Those in Pain Proverbs 31:6 advises, “Give strong drink to them that is ready to perish.” This verse implies that strong drink can be used as a form of solace for those in severe pain or near the end of their life. This should be interpreted with caution and within the context of responsible use. 1 Timothy 5:23 - Wine for Health 1 Timothy 5:23 states, “A little wine for the stomach’s sake.” This suggests that wine, in moderation, can have health benefits. This is consistent with some modern medical views that moderate wine consumption can have certain health benefits. Matthew 11:19 - Jesus, the Drunkard? Matthew 11:19 recounts an instance where Jesus was accused of being a drunkard and a glutton. However, it’s clear from the context that Jesus was neither a drunkard nor a glutton. He did consume alcohol and food, but not to excess. Conclusion The Bible’s references to wine and alcohol are varied and nuanced. They range from acknowledging the potential benefits of moderate consumption to recognizing its use in times of severe distress. However, these references should not be taken as an endorsement of excessive or irresponsible drinking. As with all things, balance and moderation are key. This article was made possible by Michael Hopkins, founder of Jehovah’s House of Saints. For more inspiring stories and messages, visit John 18:37 : Proverbs 31:7 : Proverbs 31:6 : 1 Timothy 5:23

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