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  • Isaiah 6 ~ Whom shall I send?

    A Divine Call to Action: An Interpretation The passage you’ve shared is a profound and deeply moving excerpt from the Holy Scriptures, specifically from the Book of Isaiah. It presents a dialogue between the prophet Isaiah and the Lord, revealing a divine call to action and its implications for the people. The Divine Call The passage begins with the voice of the Lord asking, “Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?” This is a divine call for a messenger, a prophet who would carry the Lord’s words to the people. Isaiah, moved by this call, responds affirmatively, “Here I am! Send me.” This response signifies Isaiah’s readiness and willingness to serve the Lord, despite the challenges he might face. The Divine Message The Lord then gives Isaiah a message for the people, a message that is paradoxical and challenging. The people are told to “Keep on hearing, but do not understand; keep on seeing, but do not perceive.” People’s spiritual blindness, their inability to comprehend and perceive the divine truth. The Lord further instructs Isaiah to “Make the heart of this people dull, and their ears heavy, and blind their eyes”. This is not a curse, but rather a reflection of the people’s current state of spiritual insensitivity. They have become so engrossed in their ways that they fail to see, hear, and understand the divine truth. The Divine Judgment Isaiah, troubled by the severity of the message, asks the Lord, “How long, O Lord?” The Lord’s response is a prophecy of desolation and exile. He speaks of cities lying waste without inhabitants, houses without people, and the land becoming a desolate waste. This is a prediction of the impending judgment on the people for their disobedience. However, even in this bleak prophecy, there is a glimmer of hope. The Lord mentions a remnant, a tenth that remains. Even though it will be burned, like a terebinth or an oak whose stump remains when it is felled, it signifies hope. The “holy seed” is its stump, a promise of a faithful remnant that will rise again. Conclusion This passage is a powerful reminder of the divine call to action, the challenge of delivering God’s message, and the consequences of turning a deaf ear to His words. Yet, even in the midst of judgment, there is always a promise of hope and restoration for those who remain faithful. Isaiah’s dialogue with the Lord is not just a historical account, but a timeless lesson for all. It invites us to listen, perceive, and respond to the divine call in our own lives.

  • Vision: Jehovah Saints Temple | Homeless Shelter

    Jehovah Saints Temple | Homeless Shelter

  • Government Extortion: Hidden Costs of Property Ownership

    Reverend Kristy Anderson: A Voice Against Extortion Reverend Kristy Anderson, a Prophetess of YHWH, owner, author, and writer at Taboo Truths, is known for her profound understanding of theology and creative writing. She has recently voiced her concerns about what she perceives as a form of extortion committed by the government. All "quotations" are Michael Hopkins addon's. Extortion Defined: "the practice of obtaining something, especially money, through force or threats." Understanding Extortion Extortion is defined as the act of obtaining money through "force" or threats. It is a criminal offense and an organized crime, often considered a felony. Extortion involves the verbal or written to instill of fear that something bad will happen to the victim if they do not comply with the extortionist’s demands. The Government and Extortion Reverend Anderson argues that the government charges people Rent/Taxes who own a house, car, or land every year, even if they have already purchased it and have been given a receipt of ownership. She points out that the government sends out threatening letters that threaten to take the property that you bought and you own, despite government not having contributed to its creation. She further argues that the only reason government tax you for these things is because they know you need them "as a god" to survive in what they "think" is their world. "Jesus Christ, who is the faithful witness, the firstborn from the dead, and the ruler of the kings of the earth." Revelations 1:5 She likens buying these things to buying a piece of candy, where you pay your sales taxes on them, and these purchases are not cheap. She questions why they are charging you taxes for your house and land when you have to pay for the electricity and water for your house. "which shows you are true owner." "Each persons land, is their nation, their property. You don't cross border without permission from owner. Are they God to charge rent/taxes on Land God gave you, and if you do not pay rent/taxes they "steal" your property. They are "thieves" "liars" and some "murders." And the exclude God Jehovah, and Jesus His Son in the schools, even though we know Jesus is Ruler of Earth, Revelations 1:5 They have learned nothing from History at all. Most exclude Bibles and Qurans in schools. Which clearly talk about Jesus all through both of them." Education System and Taxes Reverend Anderson also questions the allocation of taxes to the public education system. She argues that they get plenty of grants and funding and do not care what parents want their children to be taught. She also points out that they charge us, even low-income families, for things at school, events, field trips, and more. A Call for Accountability Reverend Anderson calls out the government for what she perceives as one of the biggest organized extortion crimes against thousands of citizens for centuries. She expresses her frustration that while the government locks citizens up for extorting each other, it continues to commit what she sees as extortion. She calls for holding the government accountable for their many crimes against humanity. She states that it takes more than just her to do it, though. "So we must "ALL" Pray Now about this matter." Jeremiah 32:27-35 Behold, I am the Lord, the God of all flesh: is there any thing too hard for me? Mark 11:24 Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours. She encourages unity, believing that if we all stick together, we could put a stop to the injustice.

  • Pakistan: A Call for Clean Water

    Jehovah Saints Archbishop Sohail Masih Punjab, Pakistan: A Call for Clean Water In the heart of Punjab, Pakistan, Archbishop Sohail Masih has been a beacon of hope for his community. However, his recent arrest. The charges against him stem from a Facebook post that was perceived as insulting to Islam. This incident highlights the delicate balance between freedom of expression and religious sensitivity. But beyond the legal complexities, there’s a pressing issue that affects everyone in the region: access to clean water. In many remote areas of Punjab, open water reservoirs pose serious health risks due to contamination and pollution. Vulnerable communities, often rural, become hotspots for waterborne diseases. Archbishop Sohail Masih’s plea for water hand pumps is a cry for a basic necessity that transcends religious boundaries. The Water Crisis in Punjab Contaminated Water: Open water sources are susceptible to pollution, leading to waterborne illnesses. The lack of proper sanitation exacerbates the problem. Community Hand Pumps: Organizations like Alkhidmat have stepped up to address this challenge. Community hand pumps provide a protective solution where resources and awareness are limited. Local Initiatives: Local leaders, including Archbishop Sohail Masih, advocate for clean water access. Their efforts are crucial in raising awareness and mobilizing support. NEED: Water Hand Pumps: Need water hand pumps in communities can significantly improve access to clean water. These manual pumps are cost-effective and require minimal maintenance. Prayer and Action: As we pray for Archbishop Sohail Masih and his community, let’s also commit to practical steps. Clean water is a fundamental right, regardless of religious affiliations. By supporting initiatives like water hand pumps, we can make a tangible difference in people’s lives. May our prayers be accompanied by action, and may clean water flow freely in Punjab, Pakistan.

  • Biblical Texts: A Deeper Look

    Biblical Texts The Bible, a collection of sacred texts in Judaism and Christianity, is often subject to various interpretations. This article aims to delve into some of these interpretations, focusing on specific verses and their implications. Daniel 7:18 and the Kingdom of the Most High The verse from Daniel 7:18 states, “But the saints of the Most High shall receive the kingdom and possess the kingdom forever, forever and ever.” This verse is often interpreted as the eternal reign of the righteous, who are referred to as the ‘saints of the Most High’. The Preservation of the Bloodline The destruction of Sodom and the subsequent actions of Lot and his daughters are seen as a desperate attempt to preserve their bloodline by sleeping with their Father Lot. Similarly, the lineage of King David is considered significant in the Bible. Joseph and Mary, the parents of Jesus, were both descendants of King David, which some is a necessity to preserve the “Blood Line”. Polygamy in the Bible Abraham, a significant figure in the Bible, had two wives and concubines (girlfriends). He even had children by his concubines (girlfriends). This practice was not uncommon in biblical times and was often seen as a way to ensure many offspring. The Concept of Sin The concept of sin varies among different individuals. What is considered a sin for one person might not be the same for another. This is reflected in Romans 14. The only universal sins are those that break the Ten Commandments, which are the only laws God brought down to man. Man’s Laws vs God’s Laws The Bible contains laws that were laid down by man, which are "not" from God’s laws. For instance, Leviticus contains many laws that would kill you for various offenses. These are "not" God’s laws but man’s. God only gave Ten Commandments. The Role of Faith Faith plays a crucial role in understanding the Bible. As stated in John 20:29, "Jesus said to him, “Have you believed because you have seen me? Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.” This verse emphasizes the importance of faith, even in the absence of physical evidence. Conclusion The Bible requires a deep understanding of its context and the time it was written. It’s important to remember that not all scripture is of God and that there are many discrepancies in translation. As Matthew 11:19 Jesus, who was called a glutton and a drunkard, as Jesus was misunderstood by the people. Therefore, pray for wisdom, knowledge and understanding is key to interpreting the Bible.

  • Martin Luther King Jr.: Human Rights

    "The Multifaceted Legacy of Martin Luther King Jr.: Human Rights, Plagiarism Controversies, and Personal Struggles" October 2, 2023 Author: Michael Hopkins Martin Luther King Jr., a name synonymous with the civil rights movement and nonviolent activism, remains an emblematic figure whose influence transcends time and geography. Known for his profound speeches and steadfast commitment to equality, King's legacy is celebrated worldwide. However, his story also encompasses complex human dimensions, including personal struggles and controversies that shaped and sometimes shadowed his life. Early Influences and Personal Life Born into the clerical life, King's early years were steeped in religious education and the fight against racial prejudices. His formative experiences at Crozer Theological Seminary brought him under the influence of the "social gospel" advocated by Walter Rauschenbusch, blending Christian virtues with calls for social justice. Yet, his time at Crozer was also marked by personal conflicts. King faced emotional turmoil during a romantic relationship with a white woman, which he ended out of concern for his family's and community's reactions in a time of pervasive racial discrimination. Academic Journey and Plagiarism Scandal King's intellectual pursuits led him to Boston University, where he earned his Doctorate in Systematic Theology. This period was crucial for refining his theological and ethical stances. However, it was later revealed that parts of his dissertation were plagiarized, a fact confirmed by academic investigations in the early 1990s. This revelation has sparked debates about his academic integrity, yet it also prompts a broader discussion on the pressures faced by Black scholars in predominantly white institutions. Iconic Speeches and Nobel Prize Recognition Despite the controversies, King's role as a leader in the civil rights movement is uncontested. His eloquence and moral authority resonated in such works as the iconic "I Have a Dream" and "Letter from Birmingham Jail." These texts are cornerstones in the study of nonviolent resistance and have inspired countless individuals to advocate for justice and equality. His contributions were globally recognized when he was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1964, positioning him among the world's foremost peace advocates. Reflecting on King's Complex Legacy King's legacy is a tapestry of triumphs and trials. His life reminds us of the human capacity for greatness and fallibility. It invites us to reflect on the complexities of historical figures and cautions us against the simplifications often found in hero worship. Understanding these nuances offers a more comprehensive appreciation of his contributions and the continuing relevance of his dreams and actions in our current struggles for justice and equality. As we commemorate King, let us embrace the totality of his legacy, appreciating both his unparalleled impact on civil rights and the personal and professional challenges he faced. This holistic view fosters a deeper understanding of the man behind the icon and the enduring relevance of his work in today's fight for a more just society. Martin Luther King Jr. made several pivotal contributions to the civil rights movement in the United States, primarily through his leadership in nonviolent protest and civil disobedience against systemic racial discrimination. Here are some of his major contributions: 1. Montgomery Bus Boycott (1955-1956): King rose to national prominence as a civil rights leader when he led the Montgomery Bus Boycott, a 381-day mass protest against the segregated public transit system in Montgomery, Alabama. This campaign resulted in the Supreme Court ruling that segregation on public buses was unconstitutional. 2. Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC): In 1957, King helped found the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC), an organization that played a crucial role in the civil rights movement. As its first president, King focused on harnessing the power of black churches to conduct nonviolent protests to promote civil rights reform. 3. Sit-Ins and Protests Across the South: King organized and led numerous sit-ins, marches, and protests across the South advocating for desegregation and voting rights. His strategy of nonviolent resistance was instrumental in bringing national attention to the issue of racial inequality. 4. March on Washington (1963): Perhaps one of his most famous contributions was his leadership in the 1963 March on Washington, where he delivered his iconic "I Have a Dream" speech. This event was pivotal in rallying support for civil rights legislation and is remembered as a high point in the fight for racial equality in the U.S. 5. Birmingham Campaign (1963): King led a massive civil rights campaign in Birmingham, Alabama, which is considered one of the most influential campaigns of the civil rights movement. It brought to light the harsh realities of segregation through the media, significantly influencing public opinion and gaining support for civil rights legislation. 6. Civil Rights Act of 1964 and Voting Rights Act of 1965: Through his advocacy and leadership, King significantly contributed to the enactment of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which outlawed discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, or national origin. He also played a vital role in the passage of the Voting Rights Act of 1965, which aimed to overcome legal barriers at the state and local levels that prevented African Americans from exercising their right to vote as guaranteed under the 15th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. 7. Selma to Montgomery Marches (1965): King was one of the organizers of the Selma to Montgomery marches which were part of a wider voting rights movement in Selma, Alabama. These were significant in that they led to more national support for racial equality and directly led to the passage of the 1965 Voting Rights Act. 8. Opposition to Poverty and the Vietnam War: In his later years, King began to focus more broadly on issues beyond black civil rights, including opposition to the Vietnam War and efforts to tackle poverty. These contributions underline King's role not only as a leader in advancing the civil rights of African Americans but also in influencing the global movement for human rights and justice. Martin Luther King Jr.'s assassination on April 4, 1968, was a significant turning point in the civil rights movement. Here are some of the ways in which his assassination affected the movement: 1. Shock and grief: King's assassination sent shockwaves throughout the country, with many people mourning the loss of a man who had become a symbol of the civil rights movement. The news of his death was met with widespread grief and disbelief, and many people took to the streets to protest and demand justice. 2. Loss of leadership: King was a charismatic and influential leader who had played a crucial role in the civil rights movement. His assassination left a significant void in leadership, which made it more challenging for the movement to continue to make progress. 3. Fracturing of the movement: King's assassination led to a fracturing of the civil rights movement, with some groups becoming more radicalized and advocating for more extreme measures to achieve their goals. This led to a period of increased violence and unrest in some areas, which made it more difficult to achieve lasting progress. 4. Rise of Black Power: King's assassination led to the rise of the Black Power movement, which emphasized black autonomy and self-defense. This movement sought to challenge the nonviolent civil rights movement and advocate for more radical and confrontational tactics. 5. Increased federal involvement: King's assassination led to increased federal involvement in the civil rights movement, with President Lyndon B. Johnson and his successor, Richard Nixon, taking a more active role in addressing the issues of racial inequality. This led to the passage of several landmark pieces of legislation, including the Fair Housing Act and the Equal Employment Opportunity Act. 6. Shifting public opinion: King's assassination helped to shift public opinion in favor of the civil rights movement. His death brought attention to the ongoing struggle for racial equality, and it helped to galvanize public support

  • Missouri Decision for Homeless Rights

    Missouri Supreme Court Ruling: A Landmark Decision for Homeless Rights The Missouri Supreme Court recently delivered a unanimous ruling that has significant implications for homeless individuals and public workers in the state. The court struck down a law that threatened homeless people with jail time for sleeping on state land. The law also banned COVID-19 vaccine requirements for public workers and prohibited state funding from being used for permanent housing for homeless people. Implications of the Ruling This landmark ruling means that unhoused individuals no longer face potential jail time and fines for sleeping on state land without permission. In addition, vaccine mandates for public workers are now allowed in Missouri, and state funding can be used for permanent housing for homeless individuals. Advocates’ Arguments Advocates for homeless people argued that lawmakers overlooked the real problem of affordable housing and offered no real mental-health or substance-abuse solutions in the bill. They also criticized attempts to justify criminalizing homelessness as a means of improving outcomes for homeless individuals. Public Pressure and Encampment Clearances Clearances of homeless encampments increased in various cities as public pressure grew to address dangerous and unsanitary living conditions. For instance, a once-busy homeless encampment near the Gateway Arch in St. Louis was cleared after nearly a year of debate. Judges’ Focus and Rationale The Supreme Court judges ruled against the law without discussing the potential impact of the homelessness policy, instead focusing on whether the issue fits under the bill’s subject: political subdivisions. They found that the connection between homelessness and political subdivisions was remote and, in some instances, completely missing. Legislative Response The lawmaker who spearheaded the homelessness provisions has left office, and currently, no other legislators have filed bills to reinstate the policy. A proposed legislation aiming to relax the homelessness provisions is likely to be withdrawn in response to the court ruling. Future Legislative Session Missouri’s next legislative session begins in January, and potential responses or changes related to homeless policies are anticipated.

  • Alcohol in Heaven: A Biblical Perspective

    The Bible offers various perspectives on many aspects of life, including the consumption of alcohol. Two particular scriptures, Matthew 11:19 and Matthew 26:29, provide interesting insights into this topic in the context of heaven. Matthew 11:19: Jesus, the Drinker The scripture states, “Jesus came eating and drinking, and they say, ‘Look at Jesus! A glutton and a drunkard, a friend of tax collectors and sinners!” This verse portrays Jesus as someone who partook in the common practices of his time, which included eating and drinking. The criticism he faced for these actions reflects the societal norms and expectations of that era. However, it’s important to note that Jesus’ drinking did not imply overindulgence or drunkenness. Instead, it highlighted his willingness to engage with all members of society, even those deemed as ‘sinners’. Matthew 26:29: Wine in Heaven In Matthew 26:29, Jesus makes a significant statement during the Last Supper: “And I say to you, I shall not drink from this time, of this fruit of the vine (wine), until that day when I shall drink wine new with you, until I enter the kingdom of my Father.” This verse suggests a future event in the heavenly kingdom where Jesus will once again drink wine, but this time, it will be ‘new’ wine, shared in Heaven. This promise of communal celebration in Heaven, marked by the drinking of the ‘new’ wine, provides a hopeful and anticipatory view of the afterlife. John 8:32 Jesus said, "you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” Proverbs 31:6-7 Give strong drink unto him that is ready to perish, And wine unto those that be of heavy hearts. Let him drink, and forget his poverty, And remember his misery no more. 1 Timothy 5:23 No longer drink only water, but drink a little wine for the sake of your stomach and your frequent ailments. Genesis 14:18 And Melchizedek king of Salem brought out bread and wine. (He was priest of God Most High.) Genesis 19:32 Come, let us make our father drink wine, and we will lie with him, that we may preserve offspring (babies) from our father (Lot).” Numbers 28:7 Its drink offering shall be a quarter of a hin for each lamb. In the Holy Place you shall pour out a drink offering of strong drink to the Lord. Deuteronomy 14:26 and spend the money for whatever you "desire"—oxen or sheep or wine or strong drink, whatever your appetite craves. And you shall eat there before the Lord your God and rejoice, you and your household. Conclusion The scriptures present a nuanced view of alcohol consumption, particularly in the context of Heaven. While Jesus partook in drinking during his earthly life, he also promised a unique experience of drinking ‘new’ wine in Heaven. These verses remind us of the communal and celebratory aspects of drinking, which are fully realized in the heavenly kingdom.

  • Rosa Parks: Civil Rights Activists

    The Bus Incident that Ignited Change In the year 1955, Rosa Parks, an African American woman, boldly defied a bus driver’s command to vacate her seat in the ‘colored’ section for a white passenger. This courageous act ignited a city-wide bus boycott in Montgomery, Alabama, marking a significant turning point in the civil rights movement. Parks and the NAACP Rosa Parks was not just a passenger on that fateful bus. She was a dedicated activist who joined the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) in 1943. Her defiance on the bus served as a catalyst, propelling the civil rights movement forward. The Ripple Effect of Parks’ Arrest The arrest of Rosa Parks was a spark that ignited a fire. It led to the Montgomery Bus Boycott, a massive protest involving 17,000 African American citizens. This collective action breathed new life into the struggle for racial equality. A Glimpse into Rosa Parks’ Personal Life Rosa Parks was born to a teacher and a carpenter in Tuskegee, Alabama. Alongside her husband, she was an active member of the League of Women Voters, demonstrating her commitment to civic engagement. The Aftermath of the Boycott The repercussions of Parks’ participation in the boycott were severe. She was incarcerated and lost her job. In the wake of the boycott, she and her husband relocated to Hampton. The Enduring Impact of Rosa Parks Rosa Parks’ refusal to give up her seat on the bus marked the beginning of the American civil rights movement. Her act of bravery has become a symbol of the fight for equality, inspiring generations to come. Rosa Parks’ Early Years Rosa Parks was born to a teacher and a carpenter in Tuskegee, Alabama. She had a younger brother and was involved in activism from an early age. The Legacy of Rosa Parks Rosa Parks remains a central figure in the civil rights movement. Her story continues to inspire individuals advocating for equality. The Life of Rosa Parks on Screen A film recounts the life of Mrs. Rosa Louise McCauley Parks and her pivotal role in the civil rights movement. It portrays her refusal to surrender her bus seat to a white passenger, an act that sparked the 1955 Montgomery Bus Boycott. Activism and Influence As a secretary for the NAACP, Rosa Parks defended local children who were victims of racism. Her brave actions inspired the civil rights movement and brought national attention to the issue of segregation in the US. Details of the Film The biopic traces her journey from a private-school student to a prominent civil rights activist. With Angela Bassett portraying Rosa Parks, the film underscores the profound impact of her defiance and activism.

  • Inspired by Scriptures: Pastor Elisha Chennaiah of India

    The Gospel Message: A Reflection on the Book of John This article is inspired by the scriptures shared with Michael Hopkins, from Pastor Elisha Chennaiah of Jehovah’s HOUSE of Saints located in Hyderabad, Telangana, India. The Central Message: John 3:16 The Gospel message that is being preached is encapsulated in the key chapter, John 3:16. This verse proclaims that salvation is a gift, bestowed only upon those who believe. It is through the dialogue with God Jehovah, His Son Jesus and the testimony of John the Baptist that we learn the sole path to the kingdom of God is through rebirth. The Seven Statements of Jesus Jesus made seven profound statements about Himself: I am the bread of life (John 6:35-48) I am the light of the world (John 8:12; John 9:5) I am the door (John 10:7-9) I am the good shepherd (John 10:11-14) I am the resurrection and the life (John 11:25) I am the way, the truth, and the life (John 14:6) I am the true vine (John 15:1-5) The Gospel of John: A Unique Perspective The Gospel of John presents a unique perspective on the life and ministry of Jesus Christ. It not only strengthens the faith of second-generation Christians but also corrects false teachings and imparts the true Gospel to them. John explains that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of Man, and the Son of God, and elucidates how the Spirit of Christ influences every person. The Most Preached Gospel: John 3:16 John 3:16 is the most read and most preached Gospel. It declares that salvation is the gift of God Jehovah and is given only to those who believe. Moreover, it informs us that the only way to enter the kingdom of God is to be born again; (New Glorified Body) 2 Corinthians 5:1-10, Revelation 21:1-4. The Lord Jesus Christ prepared His disciples for His crucifixion and for the ministry they would undertake after His ascension. The Worship of God It is important to note in John 4:24 that because God is a spirit, those who worship Him should worship Him in spirit and in truth. Revelation 5:6: And I beheld, and, lo, in the midst of the throne and of the four beasts, and in the midst of the elders, stood a Lamb as it had been slain, having seven horns and seven eyes, which are the seven Spirits of God sent forth into all the earth. Key Verses John 1:1,14 states, “In the beginning was the Word, the Word was with God, and the Word was God. (Word was God because it was from God. Word was with God, because it a was part of God, even as your child is) The Word (Jesus) became flesh and dwelt among us, full of grace.” From the same Chapter John 1. John 1:18 states, "No man hath seen God at any time, but only the begotten Son, which is in the bosom of the Father Jehovah, Jesus hath declared Jehovah." Exodus 33:20 Jehovah said, “you cannot see my face, for no man may see me and live.” John 1:29 proclaims, “Behold the Lamb of God that taketh away the sin of the world.” Note; from above verse: Lamb is "Jesus" and God is "Jehovah" John 3:16 affirms, “For God Jehovah so loved the world that Jehovah gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” 1 Corinthians 14:33, "For God is not the author of confusion, but of peace, as in all churches of the saints." In conclusion, the Gospel of John provides a comprehensive understanding of God Jehovah nature of His Son Jesus Christ, His teachings, and His ministry. It serves as a guide for all believers, leading them towards the path of salvation and eternal life.

  • New Jersey, USA: 4.8 Magnitude Earthquake

    Matthew 24:6-13 "End Times" "You will hear of wars and rumors of wars, but see to it that you are not alarmed. Such things must happen, but the end is still to come. Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be famines and earthquakes in various places. All these are the beginning of birth pains. Then you will be handed over to be persecuted and put to death, and you will be hated by all nations because of me. At that time many will turn away from the faith and will betray and hate each other, and many false prophets will appear and deceive many people. Because of the increase of wickedness, the love of most will grow cold, but the one who stands firm to the end will be saved. Unprecedented Seismic Activity in New Jersey: Over 50 Aftershocks Recorded, More Expected The state of New Jersey recently experienced a significant seismic event, a 4.8 magnitude earthquake that was perceptible hundreds of miles away. For some residents in the tri-state area, it was their first experience of the ground shaking beneath them. Not long after, a 4.0 magnitude aftershock struck the same region, once again reverberating throughout the area. The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) has reported that over 50 aftershocks have been detected since the initial quake that rattled the tri-state area last Friday. In an effort to gather more comprehensive data on these aftershocks, the USGS is deploying ‘aftershock kits’ in the affected area. These kits, eight in total, will be set up this week to monitor the origin, duration, and intensity of the aftershocks. Since the initial quake on April 5, the aftershocks have varied in magnitude from 1.3 to 3.8. The USGS predicts a 12% chance of an aftershock of magnitude 3 or larger occurring in the next week, and a mere 1% chance of an aftershock of magnitude 4 or larger. A 2.6-magnitude aftershock was notably felt across northern New Jersey on Wednesday. While earthquakes are not a common occurrence in the eastern U.S., when they do happen, their impact is often felt more strongly and over a larger area compared to quakes in the western part of the country. This could be attributed to the older rock formations in the eastern U.S., as per the USGS. The USGS emphasizes the importance of studying aftershocks to better prepare for future seismic events. However, they also note that it is currently impossible to predict specific details about future earthquakes. Sarah McBride, a representative from the USGS Earthquake Hazards Program, stated in a press release, “No one can predict the exact time, location, or place of any earthquake.”

  • Remarks on Maine’s Mass Shooting and Abortion Law

    Controversy Surrounds GOP Lawmaker’s Remarks on Maine’s Mass Shooting and Abortion Law State Representative Michael Lemelin, a Republican from Maine, has stirred controversy with his recent remarks. He suggested that the deadliest mass shooting in Maine’s history was a divine retribution for the state’s newly enacted abortion law. His comments have led to his censure by fellow lawmakers. During a House floor debate on a bill concerning reproductive and gender-affirming care, Lemelin denounced the legislation as “the epitome of evil.” He then drew a parallel to Legislative Document 1619, a law expanding abortion access that was implemented in October. Lemelin pointed to the Lewiston mass shooting and four recent major storms in the state, asserting that God “sets a boundary, and crossing that boundary has repercussions.” “With the enactment of 1619 on Oct. 25, you conveyed to God that life is insignificant,” he stated. He further added, “Bear in mind that the law was implemented on Oct. 25. God took notice, and the horrific events of Oct. 25 transpired.” The Lewiston mass shooting on Oct. 25 was the most devastating in Maine’s history. A shooter claimed the lives of 18 individuals at two different sites, leading to a nationwide manhunt. The shooter was found deceased two days later. A commission established by Governor Janet Mills concluded that local law enforcement should have been able to seize the shooter’s firearms and place him under protective custody weeks before the shooting. The Sanctity of Life: A Spiritual Perspective on the Beginning of Life Let's discuss the beginning of life. Life begins when the heart starts beating, as this signifies the presence of a soul within the body. I have personally received guidance from God on this matter. Your soul is connected to the "Sinus Node" area of the heart, which sends out electrical impulses throughout the body, sending messages from Soul to Human Brain. Bible states, flesh (brain) is weak, but the Soul is strong, and the Holy Ghost is stronger. In the Bible, it is mentioned that God is aware of your thoughts in both the heart and mind. This implies that God knows what you are "thinking" constantly. Your soul is often referred to as the subconscious mind by doctors, and it holds more information than the human brain. Traumatic events are stored in the subconscious mind, also called soul, and may not be fully known to the conscious brain. ​ Doctors declare a person clinically dead, once all the electricity has left the body; this means the Soul has left the body, as the Soul is no longer attached to the "Sinus Node" area of heart. ​ From this understanding, we can conclude that once a baby's heart starts beating, the baby has a soul and is alive. I have witnessed a heartbreaking incident where a doctor callously disregarded the life of an abortion baby, by placing it on the counter, then instructing the nurse to discard the baby into the trashcan once it stopped moving. Such heartlessness is truly disturbing. Jeremiah 1:5“Before Jehovah formed you in the womb He knew you" ​ Psalm 139:13-16 "For Jehovah formed my inward parts; God knitted me together in my mother's womb. I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made." ​ Job 31:15 "Did not Jehovah who made me in the womb make them? Did not the same one form us both within our mothers?"

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