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Jehovah Saints Church Name Change Request Form

Thank you for your interest in joining the Jehovah Saints mission by aligning your church under the Jehovah Saints name. We are committed to prioritizing our global mission of building shelters for the homeless and serving those in need. This form is for already established churches that wish to change their name to Jehovah Saints to unite under our mission and vision.

Please complete the form below to begin the review process.

Section 1: Church Information

  • Current Church Name:


  • Church Address:

    • Street Address: __________________________________________

    • City: __________________________________________________

    • State/Province: _________________________________________

    • Postal Code: ___________________________________________

    • Country: _______________________________________________

  • Year Church Was Established:


  • Denomination (if applicable):


  • Church Website or Social Media (if applicable):



Section 2: Leadership Information

  • Senior Pastor/Leader’s Full Name:


  • Contact Information for Senior Pastor/Leader:

    • Phone Number: __________________________________________

    • Email Address: __________________________________________

  • Additional Leadership Team Members (Optional):

    • Name: _____________________________ | Title: _______________

    • Name: _____________________________ | Title: _______________

    • Name: _____________________________ | Title: _______________


Section 3: Mission Alignment

  • Why do you want to change your church name to Jehovah Saints?


  • How does your church currently serve the homeless or vulnerable populations in your community?


  • Are you willing to commit to Jehovah Saints’ mission of prioritizing the building of homeless shelters over constructing new church buildings?

    •  Yes

    •  No


Section 4: Current Church Details

  • Average Weekly Attendance:


  • Number of Active Ministries (e.g., Youth, Outreach, Worship):


  • Do you currently own or rent your church building?

    •  Own

    •  Rent

  • Are there any legal or financial obligations tied to your current church name?

    •  Yes (Please explain): _________________________________

    •  No


Section 5: Agreement and Commitment

By submitting this form, you acknowledge that:

  • Your church is already established and agrees to align with the mission and vision of Jehovah Saints.

  • You understand that Jehovah Saints prioritizes building homeless shelters worldwide and commits to this cause above constructing new church buildings.

  • You agree to uphold the values and principles of Jehovah Saints, including serving the homeless and vulnerable populations in your community and beyond.

Signature of Senior Pastor/Leader:




Submission Instructions

Please email the completed form and send back to Michael Hopkins via email or Linkin and Facbook. Our leadership team will review your application and contact you within 14 business days.


If you have any questions, feel free to contact us at +1 573-891-1933 or


Thank you for your desire to join Jehovah Saints in our mission to bring hope, healing, and shelter to those in need.


Jehovah Saints  Headquarters

205 W Business US Hwy 60 PMB 303
Dexter, MO 63841
Phone: +1(573) 891-1933 USA

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