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Writer's pictureJohnathan Hopkins

“Unseen Guardians: Elisha and the Invisible Army”

In the book of 2 Kings 6, we encounter the prophet Elisha and a remarkable event involving an invisible army. Let me share the story:

The Setting:

Elisha, a prophet in ancient Israel, found himself in a precarious situation. The king of Aram (modern-day Syria) was at odds with Israel, and he continually plotted against them.

Each time the king of Aram devised a secret plan, Elisha would reveal it to the king of Israel, thwarting the enemy’s efforts.

The Invisible Army:

One day, the king of Aram decided to capture Elisha. He sent a formidable army to surround the city of Dothan, where Elisha resided.

Elisha’s servant woke up early, stepped outside, and saw the city encircled by enemy forces. Fear gripped his heart as he realized their dire situation.

Elisha’s Prayer:

Elisha, however, remained calm. He prayed, “Open his eyes, Lord, so that he may see.”

In response to this prayer, the Lord opened the servant’s eyes, and what he beheld astonished him: hills full of horses and chariots of fire surrounded Elisha. This celestial army was invisible until God revealed it.

Blinding the Enemy:

As the enemy army closed in on Elisha, he prayed again. This time, he asked the Lord to strike the enemy with blindness.

Miraculously, the entire Aramean army was struck blind. Imagine their confusion as they stumbled in darkness!

Guiding the Blind:

Elisha then approached the blinded soldiers and told them, “This is not the road and this is not the city. Follow me, and I will lead you to the man you are looking for.”

Trusting Elisha, the blinded soldiers followed him, and he led them to the city of Samaria.

The Revelation:

Once inside Samaria, Elisha prayed once more, asking the Lord to open the eyes of the enemy soldiers.

Their sight was restored, and to their astonishment, they found themselves surrounded by the very people they had come to capture—inside the walls of Samaria.


This remarkable event teaches us about spiritual perception. Often, we are unaware of the unseen forces at work around us.

Elisha’s servant initially saw only the physical threat, but Elisha’s prayer revealed the greater reality—the protective presence of God’s heavenly army.

So, Elisha’s encounter with the invisible army reminds us that there is more to our existence than meets the eye. Sometimes, faith opens our vision to the extraordinary.

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