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Writer's pictureJohnathan Hopkins

Unleashing the Supernatural: A New Perspective

Have you ever wondered why, in the face of adversity, some individuals managed to rise above their circumstances while others remained stuck? Could it be the confines of their own thinking, their limiting beliefs, or could it be the power of a supernatural perspective that propels them forward? Imagine for a moment a woman named Sarah, a single mother, working two jobs, barely making ends meet. She often found herself drowning in self-doubt, convinced she was destined for a life of hardship. But one day she decided to change her perspective. She chose to believe there was a greater force, a supernatural entity, working in her favor.

And with that belief, Sarah started to see doors open where there were once only walls. Remember John, a man plagued by a life-threatening illness. Doctors had all but given up on him, but John held on to the belief that a supernatural power was at work. He believed that this power could do what medical science couldn't.

And against all odds, John's health began to improve. He attributed his miracle to his unwavering faith in the supernatural. These stories illustrate how a supernatural perspective can alter the course of one's life. You see, we often limit ourselves by our own thinking. We convince ourselves that we lack the talent, the connections, or the resources.

We believe that some situations are beyond repair, be it a broken marriage or a mountain of debt. But this is a limited perspective born out of a focus on the natural world. It's important to understand that we are part of a grander design orchestrated by a supernatural God, a God who can create opportunities that propel us to new heights, a God who can bless us abundantly beyond our wildest dreams, a God who can make the impossible possible. It's time to remove the shackles of limiting beliefs. It's time to lift our eyes to Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith.

It's time to trust that he is working behind the scenes, creating a way even when we can't see one. Remember, what may seem impossible to man becomes possible when God adds his super to our natural. So hold on to that supernatural perspective and watch miracles unfold before we part ways a prayer. Father, thank you for your hand of blessing on my life. Help me to take the limits off my thoughts and see with a supernatural perspective. Today, I choose to lift up my eyes to you, Jesus, the author and finisher of my faith in Jesus name. Amen. Michael Hopkins, the founder of Jehovah's House of Saints Homeless Mission, invites you to explore the mission further. Visit to learn more about the work they do and perhaps find your own supernatural perspective.

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