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Unleashing the Power Within: Embracing Your Role as God's Church

Writer's picture: Johnathan HopkinsJohnathan Hopkins

Updated: Mar 11, 2024

God Does Not Dwell in Temples Made by Hands

The Bible tells us in Acts 7:48, “God does not dwell in temples made by hands.” This is further affirmed in 1 Corinthians 3:16, “You are the temple of God, and God dwells in you.” From these verses, we understand that God is not confined to buildings or churches. Instead, God dwells within us, making us the Church.

God Speaks Through Us

Did you know that you may have conversed with God at some point in your life? As stated in Matthew 10:20, “For it is not you who speak, but the Spirit of your Father speaking through you.” This suggests that God can communicate through us, making our interactions potentially divine.

Moses: A Leader Who Felt Inadequate

Moses, a great leader in the Bible, did not see himself as such. Contrary to his portrayal in biblical movies as a great speaker, Moses was slow of speech. Yet, God saw something in Moses that even he did not see in himself. Despite his self-perceived inadequacies, Moses brought forth the Ten Commandments, a feat we still talk about to this very day.

In Exodus 4:10, Moses said to the Lord, “Oh, my Lord, I am not eloquent…but I am slow of speech and of tongue.” Despite his reluctance, God used Moses in extraordinary ways. In Exodus 7:2, God said, “Your brother Aaron shall speak to Pharaoh,” allowing Moses to lead through Aaron speaking for him.

God Sees Your Potential

Like Moses, you may feel unqualified for your dreams, visions, or ideas. However, God sees something in you that you may not see in yourself. God would not have given you that dream or vision if you were not qualified. As stated in 1 Samuel 16:7, “The Lord sees not as man sees: man looks on the outward appearance, but the Lord looks on the heart.”

Prayer: A Secret Conversation with God

Matthew 6:6 encourages us to pray in secret, promising that our Father who sees in secret will reward us. Mark 11:24 further assures us that whatever we ask in prayer, if we believe that we have received it, it will be ours.

You Are Created for a Purpose

You may think of yourself as a nobody, but God created you for a purpose. Your financial status does not define your worth to God or to others. Everyone has valuable information to share, and we can learn a lot from each other. Applying what we learn from others to our daily lives can lead to personal growth and development.

God Is On Your Side

Jeremiah 33:3 promises that God will show you things you never thought of. As stated in 1 Corinthians 3:16, I am the Church where God dwells, and so are you. God did not create us and then forget about us. When you feel it in your heart, that thought comes from the heart to mind, indicating that God is working on you.

The Connection Between the Soul and the Heart

Your soul is connected to your heart, specifically in an area called the Sinus Node. The sinus node sends out electrical impulses throughout the body. Your soul holds information that sometimes your mind does not even know. Some call this the subconscious mind, but in reality, it is your soul. The soul sends messages through the heart to the brain.


Just as God used individuals like Jesus, Abraham, David, Solomon, Daniel, Samson, Elijah, Moses, and Elisha, He can use you too. Remember, you are the Church where God dwells. Embrace this truth and live in the confidence that God is always with you.

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