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Writer's pictureJohnathan Hopkins

"Top Scriptures: Learn from the Children, Like Jesus at Age 12"

Have you ever pondered over the role of faith in education? The question might seem simple, but it unravels into layers of complexity when we consider the current societal trends. In our world today, secular values are often prioritized in schools, casting a shadow over the importance of faith in shaping the minds of the young generation. Education is not merely the acquisition of knowledge, it's about shaping character, instilling moral values, and preparing young minds to navigate the complexities of life. And what better compass to offer than the teachings of faith? The wisdom of the scriptures, the lessons learned from parables and the teachings of Jesus can provide a robust foundation for the development of ethical and moral standards. And yet, in the hustle and bustle of modern life, the spiritual dimension of education is often overlooked. Schools focus on academic achievements, forgetting that the nourishment of the soul is equally important, as it is said in Proverbs, a broken spirit dries the bones, indicating the profound impact of neglecting our spiritual health. Moreover, the absence of faith in education has implications beyond the individual. It shapes our collective values, influences our laws, and eventually our societal norms. When we vote, we enact our beliefs into law, but if those beliefs are not grounded in faith, are we not straying from the path of righteousness? The story of Mary and Joseph searching for Jesus in the temple serves as a stark reminder of this principle. They found Jesus, then a 12-year-old boy, in the temple, learning from the scholars and teaching them in return. This biblical account underscores the significance of instilling godly wisdom in the younger generation. Faith, therefore, should not be seen as an optional extra in education. It should be woven into the fabric of our teaching, guiding our children towards a path of righteousness. Four, as Jeremiah 33, three urges us, when we call upon God, he will show us great and mighty things which we do not know. The absence of God in schools reflects a grave error in prioritizing secular values over godly principles. Let us, therefore, strive to rectify this error, to bring God back into our schools, and to ensure that our children grow in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and man. Let's delve into the story of Mary and Joseph searching for Jesus in the temple. A tale that takes us back to a time when Jesus, at the age of 12, was lost and later found engaging in spiritual discourse with the elders of the temple. This story, encapsulated in the Bible, serves as a timeless reminder of the importance of nurturing faith and wisdom in our young ones. Imagine the scene. Mary and Joseph, having traveled a day's journey, realize that Jesus is not with them. Their hearts pound with worry as they return to Jerusalem, searching for their son. After three long days, they find him in the temple, sitting among the teachers, listening to them and asking questions. Jesus' wisdom and understanding astonish everyone. Mary and Joseph are relieved, yet puzzled. Why were you searching for me? Jesus asks, didn't you know that I had to be in my father's house? At this tender age, Jesus demonstrates a profound understanding of his purpose and his divine connection with God. Now let's draw parallels to today's world. The story of Mary and Joseph losing Jesus and finding him in the temple holds a deep lesson for us all. It underscores the significance of keeping God at the center of our teachings. It's a call to infuse our educational systems with the wisdom of faith. In a world where secular values often overshadow spiritual ones, we must remember to search for God in our institutions of learning, just as Jesus was found in the temple, engaging in religious discourse, we too should strive to ensure that our places of education become temples of wisdom and faith. In the same way that Jesus at age 12 was immersed in understanding his divine purpose, we should encourage our younger generation to explore, question, and understand their spiritual roots. This not only nurtures their faith, but also equips them to make moral and ethical decisions that align with their beliefs. Just like Mary and Joseph, we too need to search for and find God in our educational institutions. The story of Mary, Joseph, and Jesus is a powerful reminder to us all of the importance of fostering a strong spiritual foundation in our young ones. (Watch video below for more)

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