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Writer's pictureJohnathan Hopkins

The Story Behind 'Jehovah's HOUSE of Saints'

Have you ever wondered why we chose the name Jehovah's House of Saints? This question might've crossed your mind and today we're going to delve into its fascinating origins. The name Jehovah's House of Saints was not selected on a whim. Its roots dig deep into biblical teachings, symbolizing our shared belief in God and emphasizing our collective unity as believers. The term Jehovah is a powerful reference to God, appearing seven times in the Old Testament of the King James Version Bible. It speaks to the omnipotent presence of God in our lives, reminding us of His eternal love and guidance. The word house is a reflection of the biblical teaching that our bodies are the temples of God. As stated in 1 Corinthians 3 16, you are the temple house of God. And as affirmed in Acts 7 48, God does not dwell in temples, houses, made by human hands. This signifies our belief that God resides within us. His spirit is ever present in our hearts, guiding us in our journey of faith. The term saint is incorporated to convey the belief that once a person seeks forgiveness from God for their transgressions, they are sanctified and considered a saint in the eyes of God. The concept of forgiveness and redemption is emphasized with the assurance that God forgives and forgets the sins of those who sincerely repent. Even saints, such as Peter, who denied Christ three times are not exempt from making mistakes, as illustrated in Luke 22 54 62. And in Matthew 10 33, Jesus said, if you deny me, I will deny you before my Father in heaven. So yes, even saints still make mistakes. Just ask for forgiveness. The overarching goal is to unite believers in a shared mission of spreading the message of God's love, grace, and helping those in need. May God's blessings be upon all who join in this collective effort, as we look forward to working together towards the greater glory of his kingdom. The name Jehovah's house of saints therefore reflects our commitment to unity, sanctity, and the greater glory of God's kingdom. I am Michael Hopkins, the visionary behind Jehovah's house of saints. It's not about me though. It's about us as a community of believers united in our faith and shared mission. Our work extends beyond the walls of a traditional church. We are actively involved in various missions, each grounded in the teachings of Jesus Christ and the scriptures. Our homeless mission, for instance, reaches out to those less fortunate, offering them not just physical sustenance, but also spiritual nourishment. We believe that every soul matters. Every person is deserving of love, care, and the message of God's grace. In our bid to reach the younger generation, we also conduct Bible classes in schools. These classes are more than just teaching the scriptures. They are about instilling values, fostering a sense of community, and nurturing a generation of believers who are not just knowledgeable about the word, but are also living it out. We are passionate advocates of life, hence our pro-life campaign. We believe that every life from conception to natural death is precious and should be respected and protected. We stand firm in our belief, raising awareness and providing support where needed. Our prison ministry, on the other hand, is a testament to our belief in redemption and forgiveness. We reach out to those in prison, offering them hope and a chance at a new life through the transformative power of God's love. But this work, important as it is, cannot be done by one man or even a handful of people. It requires a collective effort, a community of believers who are willing to serve, to give, to love. We need volunteers, ministers, and devout individuals to join us in this mission. As it is written in Ecclesiastes 4-9, two are better than one because they have a good return for their labor. Together, with faith as our foundation, we can achieve great things and bring joy to those in need. Let's join hands and hearts in this mission, working together for the glory of God. At Jehovah's House of Saints, we strive to live by the words of Philippians 2-4, indeed, living the name is not just about bearing it, it's about embodying the principles it represents. And at Jehovah's House of Saints, our principles are embedded in the teachings of the Bible. Our initiatives are designed to reflect the core values of love, care, and service to others, as exemplified by Jesus Christ. One of our key initiatives is the Homeless Mission. This program is founded on the belief that every individual deserves love, respect, and a chance for a better life. We provide meals, clothing, and shelter, but more importantly, we offer hope and a sense of community to those who often feel forgotten. Our Bible Classes and Schools Initiative is another way we strive to live the name. We believe that the teachings of the Bible... (Watch video for more)

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