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Writer's pictureMichael Hopkins

The Sanctity of Life: A Spiritual Perspective on the Beginning of Life

The beginning of life is a profound and sacred moment. According to spiritual understanding, life begins when the heart starts beating, signifying the presence of a soul within the body. This belief is rooted in divine guidance and personal revelations from God.

The soul is intricately connected to the “Sinus Node” area of the heart, which sends out electrical impulses throughout the body, facilitating communication between the soul and the human brain. The Bible teaches that while the flesh (brain) is weak, the soul is strong, and the Holy Ghost is even stronger. Scripture also reveals that God is aware of our thoughts in both the heart and mind, indicating His constant knowledge of our innermost reflections.

Doctors often refer to the soul as the subconscious mind, which holds more information than the conscious brain. Traumatic events are stored in the subconscious mind, or soul, and may not be fully accessible to our conscious awareness.

Clinically, death is declared when all electrical activity ceases in the body, signifying that the soul has departed, as it is no longer connected to the “Sinus Node” of the heart.

From this understanding, we conclude that once a baby’s heart starts beating, the baby possesses a soul and is alive. This perspective underscores the sanctity of life from its earliest stages. Witnessing the disregard for the life of an unborn baby, such as a doctor callously discarding a baby after an abortion, is deeply disturbing and highlights the need for compassion and respect for all life.

Biblical References:

  • Jeremiah 1:5: “Before Jehovah formed you in the womb He knew you.”

  • Psalm 139:13-16: “For Jehovah formed my inward parts; God knitted me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made.”

  • Job 31:15: “Did not Jehovah who made me in the womb make them? Did not the same one form us both within our mothers?”

The Sanctity of Life: A Spiritual Perspective on the Beginning of Life, end abortion


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