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Writer's pictureMichael Hopkins

The Prayer of St. Mykul: A Journey Towards Divine Thoughts


In the realm of spirituality, the concept of sin often surfaces as a topic of profound importance. St. Mykul, a revered figure in this domain, once said, “I am not without sin, as many angels themselves are not without sin.” This statement encapsulates a profound truth: sin, in its essence, is a mistake, and we all make mistakes.

Sin: A Mistake We All Make

St. Mykul’s perspective on sin is both compassionate and forgiving. He equates sin to a mistake, an error that every being, even celestial ones, are prone to commit. This view demystifies the concept of sin, stripping it of its terrifying connotations and presenting it as a part of the universal human experience. It is a call for understanding and empathy, a plea for us to recognize our shared fallibility.

The Prayer of the Saints

St. Mykul’s prayer is a testament to his desire for divine guidance: “I pray for God to speak through me all the time, even when I am typing, and I pray for God to remove all my thoughts, and implant His thoughts all the time, as I do not even want my thoughts.” This prayer reflects a deep yearning for divine intervention, a longing to be an instrument of the divine will.

Pleasing God, Not Man

St. Mykul emphasizes that our ultimate aim should be to please God, not man. This focus shifts our attention from the transient and fickle opinions of others to the eternal and unchanging will of God. It is a reminder that our actions, thoughts, and words should align with divine principles rather than societal expectations.


St. Mykul’s teachings offer a refreshing perspective on sin, prayer, and the purpose of life. They invite us to embrace our imperfections, seek divine guidance, and live a life dedicated to pleasing God. As we navigate through our journey of faith, let us remember St. Mykul’s words and strive to embody the principles they represent.

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