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Writer's pictureMichael Hopkins

The Hidden Masters of Modern-Day Slavery

The Hidden Masters of Modern-Day Slavery: Unveiling the Truth Behind Taxes and Currency

The concept of property being taken due to unpaid taxes can indeed feel like theft. Legally, it’s known as a tax lien or tax foreclosure, where the government claims property to recover unpaid taxes. This process is often seen as unfair by many people1.

But let’s delve deeper into the roots of this system. The first person to make a $1 bill is your master. Who created the first $1 bill? Or who was the first person to implement a coin, which is essentially the same thing—a currency coin form of trade? Imagine I created the first gold coin and told you to do some work for me. In return, I would give you this coin, but you would have to give me 10% of the coin back as taxes. Where would you get the second coin, a 10% coin, to pay me back? This is a pyramid scheme that’s been going on throughout history2.

You cannot create a $1 bill, hire someone to do some work for you, give them a $1 bill, and expect them to pay back a portion when there’s only one in existence. So where does the second one come from? The answer is your master. And there are many masters in this world; each country has a master because all countries do the exact same thing in creating currency coins and digits on the computer.

Long ago, do you think people would work for you for some digits on a computer? These concepts are instilled in children’s minds through our current schooling system. Your master or masters are the ones who write the books for your kids to read. What has your child been learning lately? People don’t even understand what slavery is, and they don’t know what taxes are. You’re forced to pay taxes or go to jail, which is a form of slavery. If you don’t pay your property tax, the county will sell your property because they own it. This is modern-day slavery. Do you think God is happy with this?

The Treasury of the United States used to create our currency. Now, America has to borrow money from an unknown entity that owns the Federal Reserve. If we had the power to create our own currency before, why don’t we now? The answer is the Federal Reserve is your master. We don’t own anything anymore. We were robbed when the Federal Reserve was enacted. America doesn’t create its own currency anymore. Our currency used to have the phrase “Treasury of the United States” printed on it. In today’s world, it says “Federal Reserve,” from which the government borrows money. This means America doesn’t own anything anymore; we’re broke because we have to borrow from somebody else.

Taxation and the creation of money are both pyramid schemes and forms of modern-day slavery. If you don’t pay your taxes, you go to jail. If you don’t pay your taxes on your property, they will sell your property or steal it—same thing. So who is your true master? Who really owns America? If we owned America, we wouldn’t have to borrow money all the time. End of story.

Modern-Day Slavery, Money and Taxes


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