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Writer's pictureJohnathan Hopkins

Invisible Army: Elisha The Miraculous Tale from 2 Kings 6:15-17

Have you ever wondered about the unseen or spiritual realities that surround us, the ones that lay just beyond the reach of our physical senses? Let's dive into an intriguing tale from the Old Testament that speaks to this very idea. It's a story about a prophet named Elisha and his servant, a narrative that unfolds in the book of two kings, chapter 6, verses 15 to 17. One day as the dawn was breaking, Elisha's servant arose and went outside. To his horror, he found their city surrounded by a hostile army equipped with horses and chariots. Overwhelmed with fear, he turned to Elisha, his voice trembling. Alas, my master, what shall we do? Elisha, however, was unperturbed. With a steady voice, he reassured his servant.

Fear not, for those who are with us are more than those who are with them. Then Elisha did something remarkable. He turned to prayer, beseeching the Lord. I pray thee, open his eyes that he may see. And the Lord responded. He opened the eyes of the servant, and what he saw was nothing short of miraculous. The mountains around them were filled with horses and chariots of fire, an invisible army there to protect them. This extraordinary encounter revealed to the servant that they were far from alone.

They were in the presence of God's powerful army, a force unseen but ever present. And so this story teaches us a powerful lesson. It reminds us of the unseen realm of God's protection and provision always around us, even when our physical eyes fail to perceive it. It underscores the importance of faith, of trusting in the unseen protective hands of the divine. In conclusion, the story of Elisha and his servant is a testament to the spiritual realities that surround us, the unseen forces of protection and provision that stand by our side. We may not see them, but they are there, as real as the world we touch and see.

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