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Writer's pictureJohnathan Hopkins

Genesis 23: The Final Resting Place of Sarah

Have you ever considered what it means to truly honor someone at the end of their life? The story of Sarah's death and Abraham's search for a burial place provides profound insights into this question.

Sarah lived a rich and full life, reaching the ripe age of 127 years. When she passed away in Kirjithaba, known today as Hebron, in the land of Canaan, it became a moment of profound grief for Abraham. He mourned and wept for his beloved wife, a testament to their deep love and shared life. In his grief, Abraham found himself driven by a purpose, to find a fitting burial place for Sarah. His quest led him to the sons of Heth. He approached them not as a familiar face, but as a stranger and sojourner, requesting a possession of a burial site among them. His plea was simple, but deeply personal. He wanted to bury his dead out of his sight, a final act of love and respect for Sarah. The sons of Heth recognized Abraham's grief and his noble status.

They offered him the choice of their sepulchres, a gesture of respect and understanding. Abraham, however, had a specific place in mind. He sought the cave of Machpelah, belonging to Ephron, the son of Zohar. He requested this cave, at the end of Ephron's field, as a burial place for Sarah. Ephron, who lived among the sons of Heth, responded to Abraham's request with a generous offer. In the presence of his people, he offered Abraham not just the cave, but the entire field. A gift, he insisted, from one man to another in a time of grief. Abraham, however, was insistent. He wanted to pay for the field.

The negotiation between the two men was not just about a piece of land, it was about honor, respect, and the value of a life lived. Ephron named his price, 400 shekels of silver. Abraham agreed and paid the sum, securing the field and the cave as a final resting place for Sarah. This exchange, witnessed by the sons of Heth and all who were present, resulted in the field of Ephron in Machpelah, and the cave within it, becoming Abraham's possession. With this accomplished, Abraham laid Sarah to rest in the cave of the field of Machpelah, in the land of Canaan. The story of Sarah's death and Abraham's quest for a burial place serves as a powerful reminder of the respect and honor we owe to those who have passed. It shows us that in the face of death, we can find purpose and meaning in our actions, just as Abraham did. This video was made possible by Michael Hopkins, founder of Jehovah's House of Saints Homeless Mission. For more inspiring stories and messages, visit us at

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