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Writer's pictureMichael Hopkins

“Drawing Near to God: A Deep Dive into James 4:7-8”

by Archbishop Elisha Chennaiah

Understanding James 4:7-8

How can we be faithful to God while resisting Satan, the angel who rebelled against God and the ruler of this world? With such a powerful, supernatural enemy against us imperfect human beings, how can we maintain our integrity? The key is found in the words of James in James 4:7: “Submit yourselves therefore to God; But resist the devil, and he will flee from you.”

James’ advice is twofold. While we oppose the devil and his will, we must submit to God’s will. It involves loving God’s will and hating Satan (Romans 12:9). Thus, James 4:8 states: “Draw close to God and He will draw close to you. Sinners, wash your hands and purify your hearts.”

In our resistance to Satan, there is no room for half-heartedness and thoughtlessness. We cannot risk our integrity by seeing how close we can come to bordering on wickedness. We must absolutely abhor evil (Psalm 97:10). Our invisible enemy, Satan, is so powerful that we need every prayer and supplication (Ephesians 6:18). It is very important that we fully rely on Jehovah (His personal name) to win the battle and maintain integrity. He is the only one who can provide the supernatural power that enables us to resist our relentless adversary.

What a comfort it is to know that our great adversary will soon be cast into the abyss and finally destroyed forever (2 Corinthians 4:7; Revelation 20:1–3,10). The Bible describes what is happening now and tells us what Jehovah God’s will is for man in the future.

A Second Perspective on James 4:8

“Come to God, and he will come to you, wash your hands, sinners; Purify your hearts, double-minded.”

Verse 8 continues with the Ten Commandments for believers. The first two commandments are about God and the devil: 1) submit to God and 2) resist the devil. We hold both commands at once. The belief systems of God and the devil are mutually exclusive.

Come to God

The third command is to draw near to God. The words “draw near” are an invitation. James challenges his readers to pursue fellowship with the Lord. The Levitical priests came humbly to the altar (Ex. 19:22; 24:2; Lev. 10:3). If we come to God in humble prayer, He will answer our prayers. However, this verse has two qualifications: 1) Clean your hands and 2) Purify your hearts.

“I have taken refuge in the Lord Jehovah so that I may know all the things that have been done to me.” (Psalms 73:28)

“A better expectation was introduced after it. By this we are drawn unto God.” (Hebrews 7:19)

Then He Will Come to You

When we draw near to God, God draws near to us. God wants us to exercise our will toward Him first. God embraces any believer no matter how long or how far he has been estranged from him. God is ready to receive us with open arms.

“Jehovah is near to all who call on him and to all who call on him.” (Psalms 145:18)

God gives us the privilege of entering into the majesty of His presence.


It is not enough to resist the devil (4:7); we must draw near to God in prayer and fellowship. We draw near to God by faith. We believe that He is available and accessible to us. This is because Jesus made it possible. Only the blood of Christ cleanses us from sin and allows us for fellowship with God.

“For in order to bring us to God, Christ, the righteous for the unrighteous, was killed in the flesh, made alive in the spirit, and suffered for sins once.” (1 Peter 3:18)

It is amazing that the God who transcends the universe allows us to enter into fellowship with Him through prayer and fellowship. We do not yet earn or qualify, the Father delights in fellowship with us. He welcomes our voice and delights in answering our prayers.

“So let us boldly approach Kripasan to receive mercy and grace for timely help.” (Hebrews 4:16)

“Brethren, because we have boldness to enter into the holy place through his blood, through the new and living way, which Jesus has consecrated for us, because we have a high priest over the house of God, we have a clean heart, so that our conscience will not be defiled having bodies bathed in the morning, and having full certainty in the matter of faith, we approach God with a true heart.” (Hebrews 10:19-22)

God does not answer the prayer of those who are out of fellowship.

“If I harbor sin in my heart, the Lord will not hear my pleas.” (Psalms 66:18)

“These people glorify me with their lips, but their heart is far from me; They worship me in vain, teaching that the ways of men are the doctrines of God.” (Matthew 15:8)

God promises to answer prayer if we come to Him. We have God’s assurance of this, and He will come to us.

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