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Writer's pictureJohnathan Hopkins

Deliverance from Troubles: A Divine Promise

Ever find yourself knee-deep in troubles, feeling like there's no way out? Let's talk about a promise, a promise of deliverance from all troubles, not just some, but all. It's a promise from God, found in the verse Psalm 34, 19. The verse tells us, The righteous person may have many troubles, but the Lord delivers him from them all. So, what does it mean to be righteous? It doesn't mean you have to be perfect, ticking off a checklist of good deeds.

Instead, righteousness comes from accepting Jesus as your Lord and Savior, embracing his forgiveness and believing in his active work in your life. When you place your faith in Jesus, when you believe in the goodness of God, it is his righteousness working in your heart.

This isn't a new concept. We see it in Romans 4, where it is said that Abraham believed in God and that belief was credited to him as righteousness. Abraham wasn't perfect, but he had faith. His belief in God's promises made him righteous in your life.

If you're facing troubles today, take heart. God has promised to deliver you. Expect that he has a way of escape for you. He's working, even if you can't see it, even when it doesn't feel like it. He's there, behind the scenes, orchestrating things in your favor. This promise isn't just for the good days when everything seems to be going right.

It's for the days when you are knee-deep in troubles, when you're in the middle of the storm. That's when the promise of deliverance becomes even more important. So, meditate on this verse. Let it sink deep into your heart. Know that God is good, and he is your deliverer today. Believe in his goodness and faithfulness, and he will deliver you into the life of victory that he has planned. So, if you're in the midst of a storm, remember, God has a way of escape for you.

He's working behind the scenes, even when it doesn't seem like it. This video was made possible by Michael Hopkins, founder of Jehovah's House of Saints Homeless Mission. Visit us at Knowing the promise is one thing, but how do we embrace it in our daily lives? That's the million-dollar question, isn't it? It's not enough to just know the promise. We need to internalize it, to let it seep into our very being, to let it guide our thoughts and actions. So, how do we do this? One way is by meditating on the verse. Take a moment each day to ponder its words, its meaning. Let it fill your mind in your heart. Let it become a part of you. It's not about memorizing the words, but rather about understanding the promise they hold. It's about knowing that no matter what troubles you may face, God is there, ready to deliver you. But it's not just about knowing the promise, it's also about knowing the one who made the promise. It's about understanding the goodness of God. God isn't some distant, uninterested entity. He's a loving father who wants the best for his children. He's a deliverer, ready to rescue you from whatever troubles you face. And that's where faith comes in. We need to believe in God's faithfulness and goodness. We need to trust that he will do what he says he will do. This isn't always easy. Life can throw us curveballs. Things don't always go the way we want them to.

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