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Writer's pictureJohnathan Hopkins

Biblical Psychology: A Modern Perspective

Psychology in the Bible, things that a psychiatrist would make you would think that you was crazy that if this happened to you, you think if it happened all those years ago that's in the Bible, well it still happens today. Let's take for instance Adam and Eve, you know Eve, a snake talked to her. If I said that a snake talked to me and they'd probably lock me in a mental home I'm gonna get me checked out, wouldn't you think? Genesis 3-5, snake said your eyes will be open and you will be like God knowing good and evil. That was a snake talking to Eve.

Now if a snake talked to me you'd want to put me away I'm sure. We wasn't supposed to know good and evil. Adam and Eve ran around naked until they ate the tree of knowledge. Then they covered themselves with leaves. God told Adam, who told you to cover yourself? Because see God didn't have no problem with it, running around naked. That's why he said, who told you to cover yourself? It's Satan's trick.

And so we can see nothing wrong with it in God's eyes. A donkey spoke to Balaam in Numbers 22-28. Now if I said a donkey went to a hospital and said a donkey was talking to me they'd want to lock me away. Psychiatrists don't know everything.

They definitely don't know the Bible will tell you that. Then we have, this is an instance where you might consider a woman that leaves their child behind and forgets about them or something. But in today's world they'd lock that woman up for a long time. But in Luke 2, 41-52, Mary forgot Jesus. Mary traveled for an entire day before she realized Jesus was missing. Mary was away from Jesus for two days because it took another day to return to find Jesus. But it took a total of three days before they found Jesus and Jesus was in the temple teaching at age 12. Now can you imagine losing your 12-year-old kid for three days? What do you think law enforcement would say? Yeah, I know. But that happened with Jesus, the Son of God.

Now here's another one. The psychiatrist would probably think he was crazy if you said, I was thrown into a fiery pit and I was scared to death, but I didn't get burned. They'd be thinking, well, you was thrown in a fire, you should be burned. But it happened to Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego in Daniel 3, 16-18.

Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego was thrown into a fiery furnace and they did not get burned. Anyway, if you really believe your Bible, then you know these things are true and you know they still happen today. All right, now you hear people saying they hear voices all the time and they go to the hospital, which I don't understand all the voices. Some of them might be good, some of them might be bad, I don't know.

But people that hear voices think it's not always a bad thing. I mean, the prophet Samuel when he was a kid, in 1 Samuel 3, 1 Samuel chapter 3, Samuel was lying down and he heard a voice say, Samuel. Samuel got up and thought it was Eli, but it was God speaking to him. So there's somebody that heard a voice in their head and they didn't see nobody and they thought it was someone else talking to him, but it was actually God talking to him. So if God talks to you, you probably want to keep it to yourself unless you want to get locked up.

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