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“Angels Among Us: Encounters Unseen”

"Angels are present, yet their words often go unheard. Perhaps you’ve conversed with them in your lifetime—these celestial beings who bear a striking resemblance to ordinary people, as angels look like you and I. They walk among us, their ethereal presence subtly woven into our everyday lives. As Hebrews 13:2 reminds us, ‘Do not forget to show hospitality to strangers, for by so doing some people have shown hospitality to angels without knowing it.’

Picture this: a passerby who extends a helping hand during your darkest hour, a stranger whose comforting smile lifts your spirits, or an unexplained sense of peace that envelops you. Could these be angelic encounters? Their wings may remain hidden, but their impact is profound.

“Michael Hopkins’ Vision: The Angel at the Courthouse”

Michael Hopkins, a man of ordinary stature, found himself at the heart of an extraordinary encounter. It was a vision that transcended the mundane, like watching a vivid 4K television display. In this ethereal moment, a woman—an angel—descended gracefully in front of the county courthouse. Her wings, resplendent and otherworldly, bore testament to her celestial origin.

The angel held a scroll, its edges unfurling like secrets whispered by the cosmos. Michael, dwarfed by her luminous presence, watched in awe as a man walked up to her, and inscribed words upon the parchment. The script danced with divine purpose, each stroke etching a profound truth into the fabric of existence. That man stated out loud as he wrote;

“Cherubim of Stoddard County, Michael A. Hopkins”

The proclamation echoed through the chambers of his soul. Was he truly a cherubim—an angelic being? Michael grappled with the weight of revelation. Others, too, had whispered rumors: some angels walked among us, veiled in mortal guise. Elijah, reborn as John the Baptist, from a 2nd mother, exemplified this enigmatic transformation. John, unaware of his celestial heritage, denied prophethood when questioned by the people. He did not remember, as the soul holds information, that the human mind/brain cannot process.

The ancient scriptures echoed in Michael’s mind, their verses intertwining like cosmic threads:

  • "Elias is come already, and they knew him not, but have done unto him whatsoever they listed...Then the disciples understood that Jesus spake unto them of John the Baptist.” (Matthew 17:12-13, KJV)


  • "Jesus the Son of God, came to earth through human birth, like John the Baptist, who was formally known in another lifetime as Elijah. who was carried to heaven"

  • Apparently this is how some come down from heaven, and they look like us. Hebrews 13:2

The spirit—the soul—held secrets beyond the reach of conscious thought. It whispered truths, encoded in the sinews of existence. The heart, more than a mere pump, housed the conduit—the hearts “Sinus Node”—through which spiritual electric currents flowed. Electricity surged, bridging the gap between realms. Information pulsed through this ethereal circuitry, seeking communion with the human mind/brain.

(When a person dies, they are considered clinically dead by the Doctor when all the electricity has left the brain. The spirit/soul has left the body.)

In the quietude of contemplation, Michael wondered: Could he be both mortal and celestial? Was he, too, an angel in disguise, veiled by flesh and bone? Perhaps the heart’s rhythm carried messages from realms unseen—a celestial Morse code from God, with a purpose and destiny.

The Bible spoke of heart, mind, and soul—the trinity of existence. And within this sacred triad, the soul whispered its truths, urging us to listen—to remember our celestial lineage.

So, next time you encounter a stranger with eyes that hold galaxies, or a passerby whose kindness feels like a benediction, consider: Could they be angels, veiled in human form? And perhaps, just perhaps, the heart’s subtle murmurings carry messages from realms beyond the veil. 🌟

"Angels do walk among us" Hebrews 13:2

Anathema, the emotional band, even sings of angels walking among us. Their song titled “Angels Walk Among Us” evokes healing and self-discovery. Whether you perceive these moments as divine intervention or mere coincidence, keep your heart open. You never know when you might encounter an angel in disguise—a messenger of love and compassion. 🌟"

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