Emergency Preparedness Policy
For Jehovah Saints Homeless Shelters
The purpose of this Emergency Preparedness Policy is to ensure the safety and well-being of all guests, staff, and volunteers at Jehovah Saints Homeless Shelters during emergencies. This policy outlines the procedures, responsibilities, and resources necessary to effectively respond to and recover from various emergency situations, including natural disasters, medical emergencies, fires, and other crises.
Policy Statement
Jehovah Saints Homeless Shelters are committed to maintaining a safe environment by proactively preparing for emergencies. Through training, clear communication, and established procedures, we aim to minimize risks, protect lives, and ensure continuity of shelter operations during and after emergencies.
This policy applies to all guests, staff, volunteers, and visitors at Jehovah Saints Homeless Shelters.
Types of Emergencies Covered
This policy addresses the following emergencies:
Natural Disasters: Earthquakes, floods, hurricanes, tornadoes, severe storms, etc.
Fire Emergencies: Fires within or near the shelter premises.
Medical Emergencies: Sudden illness, injury, or other health-related incidents.
Security Threats: Active shooter situations, bomb threats, or other acts of violence.
Utility Failures: Power outages, water supply disruptions, or gas leaks.
Emergency Preparedness Measures
1. Emergency Plans
Detailed emergency response plans are developed for each type of emergency.
Plans include evacuation procedures, assembly points, and roles/responsibilities of staff.
Emergency plans are reviewed and updated annually or as needed.
2. Staff Training
All staff and volunteers are trained in emergency response procedures, including:
Evacuation drills.
Fire safety and extinguisher use.
Basic first aid and CPR.
Conflict de-escalation and handling security threats.
Training sessions are conducted at least twice a year.
3. Emergency Supplies
Each shelter is equipped with emergency supplies, including:
First aid kits.
Flashlights and batteries.
Non-perishable food and bottled water.
Blankets and basic hygiene items.
Emergency contact lists.
Supplies are checked and replenished regularly.
4. Communication Systems
Clear communication channels are established to relay information during emergencies.
Emergency contact numbers and procedures are posted prominently throughout the shelter.
Staff are trained to use communication tools such as radios, phones, or public address systems.
5. Evacuation Routes and Assembly Points
Evacuation routes and exits are clearly marked and accessible to all individuals, including those with disabilities.
Assembly points are designated outside the shelter for guests and staff to gather safely during evacuations.
Emergency Response Procedures
1. Fire Emergencies
Activate the fire alarm system immediately upon detection of fire or smoke.
Evacuate all individuals using designated routes.
Staff will assist individuals with disabilities or mobility challenges.
Contact emergency services (911) and provide details of the situation.
Assemble at the designated safe location and conduct a headcount to ensure everyone is accounted for.
2. Medical Emergencies
Staff will assess the situation and provide basic first aid if trained to do so.
Contact emergency medical services (911) for severe injuries or illnesses.
Notify shelter management and document the incident.
3. Natural Disasters
Follow the specific response plan for the type of disaster (e.g., seek shelter during a tornado, evacuate for floods).
Staff will provide instructions to guests and assist with safety measures.
Monitor local news and weather updates for ongoing information.
4. Security Threats
In the event of an active threat (e.g., active shooter):
Staff and guests should follow "Run, Hide, Fight" principles:
Run: Evacuate if it is safe to do so.
Hide: Find a secure location and remain quiet.
Fight: As a last resort, defend yourself if confronted.
Contact law enforcement (911) immediately.
Follow instructions from authorities upon their arrival.
5. Utility Failures
Identify the cause of the failure (if possible) and notify the appropriate utility company.
Use backup supplies (e.g., flashlights, bottled water) as needed.
Evacuate the shelter if the failure poses a safety risk (e.g., gas leak).
Post-Emergency Procedures
1. Incident Reporting
Staff will complete an incident report detailing the emergency, actions taken, and outcomes.
Reports will be reviewed by shelter management to identify areas for improvement.
2. Debriefing
After the emergency, a debriefing session will be held with staff and volunteers to discuss the response and gather feedback.
3. Emotional Support
Counseling or emotional support services will be made available to guests and staff affected by the emergency.
4. Recovery and Continuity
Shelter management will coordinate repairs, restocking of supplies, and resumption of normal operations as quickly as possible.
Roles and Responsibilities
Shelter Management
Oversee the development and implementation of emergency plans.
Ensure staff and volunteers are trained in emergency procedures.
Coordinate with local emergency services and community partners.
Staff and Volunteers
Participate in training and drills.
Assist guests during emergencies and follow established procedures.
Report safety concerns or emergencies to shelter management.
Follow instructions from staff during emergencies.
Participate in evacuation drills when required.
Report any safety concerns or emergencies to staff immediately.
Policy Review
This Emergency Preparedness Policy will be reviewed annually to ensure it remains effective and up-to-date. Adjustments will be made as needed based on feedback, new risks, or changes in best practices.
By implementing this Emergency Preparedness Policy, Jehovah Saints Homeless Shelters aim to protect the lives and well-being of everyone in our care, ensuring a safe and supportive environment even during challenging situations.