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  • About Michael Hopkins | Jehovah Saints | Christian News Today | Jehovah's HOUSE of SaintsJehovah's HOUSE of Saints - Founder: Michael Hopkins

    About I am Michael Hopkins, the visionary behind “Jehovah's HOUSE of Saints” Little background on me: from around age 5, I grew up in a Pentecostal Church in Dudley, Missouri, and I graduated from Emmanuel Baptist Christian School in 1993, in Dexter, Missouri. I am an Ordained Minister, but here in Missouri, you do not have to have a piece of paper from a man, stating you are a man of God. Just like when you repent, do you get a paper stating you can now enter heaven? No, man cannot grant you rights to heaven, only God can. I can train you to become a Minister; we can use millions of people like you, as the world is a very huge place. ​ When I was in my teens, after school I would walk to our prosecuting attorney’s mother's home, and work for $3 per hour. I planted flowers, trimmed trees, and so on. When I turned 16, I started a Lawn Service. I was in business for over 20 years. I also worked a total of 7 years with mentally challenged people. If you pay attention to them, you can learn a lot. I also worked for my father and his partner for a couple years; they owned an excavating service. ​ I am just an ordinary man; I am nothing special, but God has put a lot on my heart to share. ​ When I was a child, I prayed many times for God to let me go through what others go through. So I can, in return, help them. You may not know how to help a person if you don’t know where they are coming from, when you yourself have never gone through the same thing. So even if you do have it in your heart to help them, you may not know how to. I will share with you some of the events of my lifetime. First off, I have been robbed at gunpoint. ​ Also, I have been through bankruptcies, in which I too could’ve been homeless if it weren’t for having a family providing for me. Some people have no family to turn to for help. ​ Another time, A man shot a rifle in the air, then made my friend get down on his knees, and put the gun to the back of his head. I sought help from the police, but they would not come, as they stated, they have no one to send. ​ And another time, I was falsely accused, like many in the Bible, and placed in Jail. While in Jail, a guard yanked me up off the floor and dragged me down 2 hallways into the shower room, where there are no cameras. He made me take off all my clothes, then maced me in the face, then maced me all over my body. I could not see, but all I saw in my mind were flames all over my body. It was extremely hot. I was blind in my left eye for a week. ​ There is a lot more to add, but I am trying to make this as short as possible. ​ Now about Join the Cause: A Dollar for Change The one-dollar donation underscores that even a small contribution can create meaningful change. It’s not always about making a large donation to impact the world. ​ Take for instance: Luke 21:1-4 The Widow's Offering "Jesus looked up and saw the rich putting their gifts into the offering box, and he saw a poor widow put in two small copper coins." Jesus said, “Truly, I tell you, this poor widow has put in more than all of them. For they all contributed out of their abundance, but she, out of her poverty, put in all she had to live on.” ​ Now in the eyes of Jesus. The widow's offering of two small coins, despite being meager in financial value, was considered greater by Jesus because it represented her giving 100% of what she had. In contrast, the rich individuals gave less percentagewise in comparison to the widows. The widow sacrificed all she had, 100%. ​ Now the first priority is to allocate funds to assist the homeless in the USA, setting an example for the world. It’s essential that we address our own challenges before extending aid globally. Would you build a shelter for your neighbor while your own family is living without one? ​ Now you can go to Church to fellowship and learn from one another, as stated in Proverbs 27:17 but faith without works is nothing. ​ Stated in James 2:14-26 “What does it profit, my brethren, if someone says he has faith but does not have works? Can faith save him? If a brother or sister is naked and deprived of daily food, and one of you says to them, “Depart in peace, be warmed and filled,” but you do not give them the things which are needed for the body, what does it profit?” ​ Do you remember the song, "If we all pull together, how happy we'll be!" This song is so true. If we, with God, all worked together in one body of people, we can accomplish anything we put our minds to. ​ Jeremiah 32:27, God said, “is anything too hard for me?” ​ Also in Jeremiah 33:3 God says, “Call to me and I will answer you and tell you things you never thought of.” ​ Now on the subject of thinking, showing you things you never thought of, is this. God knows what you are thinking all the time, not a single second goes by that God doesn’t know what you are thinking. ​ In PSALM 94:11 “The Lord knows the thoughts of man; they are a vanity.” Now you see, God knows your thoughts, which means God knows what you are thinking. ​ Now let's talk about Bible classes in schools. Back in the days of my father, schools were in the Churches, they didn’t have public schools everywhere then. The Bible was taught and encouraged to be read. In most public schools today, there is no reading the Bible in the classrooms. ​ Now why is this important? #1 We have “IN GOD WE TRUST” on our money. #2 We say the Pledge of Allegiance aloud. “ONE NATION UNDER GOD” ​ But these children have no idea who God is or what God stands for because some people want to exclude from the schools what God has to say in the Bible. If you don’t know what God says, then how will you ever come to God? ​ And one day the children may ask? What God are you talking about on your money? And in the Pledge of Allegiance? Because they will have no clue to who God is or even God’s name, Jehovah, found 7 times in the Old Testament, King James Version. ​ Not all children have parents who teach them God’s Word. A lot of people do not go to Church, because they do not feel good enough. ​ Talking about not feeling good enough—that’s been me my entire life. Yet there were great leaders in the Bible who felt the same way. ​ First off, let me tell you this: “God does not dwell in temples made by hands.” Acts 7:48 "You are the temple of God, and God dwells in you." 1 Corinthians 3:16 Ok, by the verses I just quoted, you can see God is not in buildings or Churches, God dwells in you; you are the church. ​ And with that being said, let me share this: Did you know you may have talked to God at some point in your life? I mean, literally, God spoke to you like I did. ​ How do you ask? Well, let me share some scripture with you. "For it is not you who speak, but the Spirit of your Father speaking through you." Matthew 10:20 ​ Now let me share about a great Leader in the Bible who did not feel good enough. His name was Moses. ​ In the biblical movies, we see Moses portrayed as a great speaker, but this is not the case. Moses was slow of speech, and they don’t show that in the movies. Everyone is always looking for a well spoken person as a great leader, but if you see a slow of speech person, you most likely will overlook them anyway. But by overlooking them, you are the one who missed out on blessings. ​ Now you see in the scripture I shared that God can speak through anyone and use anyone. And again, Moses in the Bible was slow of speech and did not want to get in front of people and speak as a leader, so Moses had his brother Aaron speak for him. We are talking about the Leader Moses, who brought forth the 10 commandments, and he did not feel he was good enough, he felt less than, but God saw something in Moses that even Moses did not see, that we still talk about to this very day. ​ The Bible says, "But Moses said to the Lord, “Oh, my Lord, I am not eloquent... but I am slow of speech and of tongue.” Exodus 4:10 ​ Now in, Exodus 7:2 God said, "Your brother Aaron shall speak (for you) to Pharaoh." ​ Don't be afraid to go for your dream, vision, or idea because you do not feel qualified for a position like Moses. You may be slow of speech, or not feel good enough, but God sees something in you, you don't even see, like in the case of Moses. God would not have given you that dream or vision if you were not qualified. God sees what man cannot see, and that is your heart, your soul, your thoughts, and your daily prayers that others cannot hear. ​ Bible says, "Lord sees not as man sees (God sees what you cannot see): man looks on the outward appearance, but the Lord looks on the heart. 1 Samuel 16:7 Also: "When you pray, go into your room, shut the door, and pray to your Father, who is in secret. And your Father, who sees in secret, will reward you." Matthew 6:6 ​ And: "Whatever you ask in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours." Mark 11:24 ​ You may think of yourself as a nobody, but God created you for a purpose. Just because you do not have any money doesn’t mean anything to God or me. I’ve always been the little man, with grass from head to toe, working on people's lawns, but I learned a lot from the old people—the doctors, lawyers, and one judge I worked for. They all have useful information. ​ I take what I have learned from others and apply it to my daily life. ​ I am no Moses, but in a way I am, as I am not a great speaker, that’s for sure. ​ I promise you, God is on our side. God will show you things you never thought of. Jeremiah 33:3 ​ I am the church where God dwells, and so are you. 1 Corinthians 3:16 ​ Do you really think God made us and just forgot about us? When you feel it in your heart, that thought comes from the heart to the mind; that is God working on you. ​ Your soul is connected to your heart in an area called the Sinus Node. The sinus node sends out electrical impulses all throughout the body. Your soul holds information that sometimes your mind does not even know. Some call this the subconscious mind, but in reality, it is your soul. The soul sends messages through the heart to the brain. This is how it works. I am one man, but so were Jesus, Abraham, David, Solomon, Daniel, Samson, Elijah, Moses, and Elisha, who saw the invisible people that are around him, but his servant could not, until Elisha prayed for God to open his eyes so he could see the invisible forces around them protecting them. You can learn more about Elisha, In the book of 2 Kings, chapter 6, ​ Again, I am just one man, but so are those in the Bible. I need your help, By working together as one and putting God first, there is nothing we cannot accomplish. Like God said, “Is there anything too hard for me?” As it is written in Ecclesiastes 4:9, "Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their labor." ​ The future is brighter than you imagine, if you put your faith into action. Imagine being in Biblical times, holding something up to your ear to communicate. No one could even imagine such a thing. God slowly shows us new things all the time, if you pay attention, as stated in Jeremiah 33:3 ​ Bible say, “having the eyes of your hearts enlightened, that you may know what is the hope to which he has called you and what are the riches of his glorious inheritance in the saints.” Ephesians 1:18 ​ Note that in that verse, the eyes of your hearts were enlightened. Meaning where your soul is connected—the heart. And note, your soul is a ghost, like the Holy Ghost. You cannot see your soul with human eyes, but you’re there. ​ The doctor considers you clinically dead once all the electricity has left your body. Something to think about. I have so much more I want to share with you, but you will have to follow me to learn more. Better, brighter days ahead. ​ God Bless, Founder; Minister Michael Hopkins signing off. ​ Let’s Work Together Get in touch so we can start working together. First Name Last Name Email Message Send Thanks for submitting!

  • Free Bible | Jehovah Saints

    ​ **Where Can I Get a Free Bible?** Are you looking to deepen your understanding of the Bible but unsure where to start? The good news is that there are numerous ways to obtain a free Bible, whether you prefer a physical copy or an online version. **A Free Bible by Mail** If you prefer a physical copy, you can easily find a free Bible by mail. Many organizations offer this service, and a quick search on the web will provide you with several options. Just Google "free Bible by mail," and you'll find various websites that can send you a Bible at no cost. **Free Online Bible** For those who prefer digital access, there are several excellent resources available. One of the most popular options is the **Free Online Bible Gateway**. This website offers a vast collection of Bible translations, commentaries, and study tools, all accessible for free. Whether you're at home or on the go, you can read and study the Bible anytime, anywhere. Another great resource is **Bible Hub**. This website not only provides free access to the Bible but also includes various study tools, commentaries, and parallel translations. It's a fantastic resource for anyone looking to dive deeper into the scriptures. In conclusion, whether you prefer a physical copy or an online version, there are plenty of options available for obtaining a free Bible. Just a quick search on the web can lead you to the resources you need to start your spiritual journey. ​ ​ How Free Online Bibles Can Enhance Your Study for Free In today’s digital age, accessing the Bible has never been easier. Free online Bibles offer a wealth of resources that can significantly enhance your study experience without costing you a dime. Here are some ways these tools can help you dive deeper into the Word of God: 1. Accessibility Anytime, Anywhere With free online Bibles, you can access the Scriptures from any device with an internet connection. Whether you’re at home, at work, or on the go, you can always have the Bible at your fingertips. This convenience allows you to study whenever inspiration strikes. 2. Multiple Translations Online Bibles often provide access to multiple translations. This feature is incredibly useful for comparing different versions of the same verse, helping you gain a deeper understanding of the text. Whether you prefer the King James Version, the New International Version, or another translation, you can easily switch between them. 3. Study Tools and Resources Many online Bibles come with built-in study tools such as commentaries, concordances, and dictionaries. These resources can help you understand the historical context, original language, and deeper meanings of the passages you are studying. Some platforms even offer daily devotionals and reading plans to guide your study. 4. Search Functionality The search functionality in online Bibles allows you to quickly find specific verses or topics. This feature is particularly helpful when you want to study a particular theme or need to locate a verse that you only partially remember. Simply type in a keyword, and the search tool will do the rest. 5. Community and Sharing Many online Bible platforms offer community features where you can join study groups, participate in discussions, and share insights with others. This sense of community can provide encouragement and different perspectives that enrich your study experience. 6. Cost-Effective One of the most significant advantages of online Bibles is that they are free. You don’t need to spend money on physical copies or additional study materials. This makes it accessible to everyone, regardless of their financial situation. 7. Environmentally Friendly Using an online Bible reduces the need for printed materials, which is better for the environment. By choosing digital over physical copies, you contribute to reducing paper waste and conserving natural resources. Conclusion Free online Bibles are a fantastic resource for anyone looking to deepen their understanding of the Scriptures. With their accessibility, variety of translations, study tools, search functionality, community features, and cost-effectiveness, they offer everything you need to enhance your Bible study experience. So why not take advantage of these free resources and start your journey into the Word of God today? ​ Exploring the Benefits of Free Study Bibles Free Study Bibles are an incredible resource for anyone looking to delve deeper into the Scriptures without any financial burden. Here are some additional ways these tools can enhance your Bible study experience: 1. In-Depth Study Notes Free Study Bibles often come with extensive study notes that provide explanations, historical context, and theological insights. These notes can help you understand the deeper meanings behind the passages and how they apply to your life today. 2. Cross-References Many Study Bibles include cross-references that link related verses throughout the Bible. This feature allows you to see how different parts of the Bible connect and reinforce each other, providing a more comprehensive understanding of biblical themes. 3. Maps and Charts Visual aids such as maps and charts are commonly included in Study Bibles. These tools can help you visualize the geographical locations mentioned in the Bible and understand the historical timeline of events. This can make your study more engaging and informative. 4. Topical Indexes A topical index is a valuable tool for studying specific themes or topics in the Bible. By using the index, you can quickly find all the verses related to a particular subject, such as faith, love, or forgiveness. This can help you gain a deeper understanding of what the Bible says about important issues. 5. Character Profiles Some Study Bibles feature profiles of key biblical figures, providing detailed information about their lives, roles, and significance. These profiles can help you learn more about the people in the Bible and the lessons we can draw from their experiences. 6. Reading Plans Many free Study Bibles offer reading plans that guide you through the Bible in a structured way. Whether you want to read the entire Bible in a year or focus on specific books or themes, these plans can help you stay on track and make your study more organized. 7. Interactive Features Some online Study Bibles come with interactive features such as quizzes, discussion forums, and multimedia content. These features can make your study more interactive and enjoyable, allowing you to engage with the material in different ways. Conclusion Free Study Bibles are a treasure trove of resources that can significantly enhance your understanding of the Scriptures. With their in-depth study notes, cross-references, visual aids, topical indexes, character profiles, reading plans, and interactive features, they provide everything you need to deepen your Bible study experience. Best of all, they are available at no cost, making them accessible to everyone. So why not take advantage of these free resources and enrich your spiritual journey today? I hope this continuation helps! ​

  • Dreams and Angels in Our Lives | Jehovah Saints Jehovah's HOUSE of Saints - Founder: Michael Hopkins

    Dreams and Angels in Our Lives The Significance of Dreams and Angels in Our Lives When I was younger, in my twenties, I would often dream of flying over treetops and revisiting the old trailer court where we grew up. Now, at 49, I recently had a vivid dream of an angel with wings descending from heaven and landing in front of our courthouse. The dream was so clear, like watching a 4K television. The angel was very tall and held a scroll that rolled out. A man, significantly smaller compared to her, wrote on the scroll and spoke aloud, “Michael, a Hopkins cherubim of Stoddard County.” This dream made me ponder the possibility of undercover angels on earth. We have all types of undercover people, so why wouldn’t God place someone undercover from heaven? Perhaps an angel who doesn’t realize he’s an angel, gathering information from his lifetime to report back to heaven. The Bible supports the idea of angels among us. Hebrews 13:2 states, “Be not forgetful to entertain strangers: for thereby some have entertained angels unaware.” This verse reminds us to be kind to strangers, as they might be angels in disguise. Dreams hold significant meaning in the Bible. They are often used by God to communicate with His people. Here are some examples: Genesis 31:11: “And the angel of God spake unto me in a dream, saying, Jacob: And I said, Here am I.” Matthew 1:20: “But while he thought on these things, behold, the angel of the Lord appeared unto him in a dream, saying, Joseph, thou son of David, fear not to take unto thee Mary thy wife: for that which is conceived in her is of the Holy Ghost.” Matthew 2:13: “And when they were departed, behold, the angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream, saying, Arise, and take the young child and his mother, and flee into Egypt, and be thou there until I bring thee word: for Herod will seek the young child to destroy him.” Matthew 2:19: “But when Herod was dead, behold, an angel of the Lord appeared in a dream to Joseph in Egypt.” Revelation 8:13: “And I beheld, and heard an angel flying through the midst of heaven, saying with a loud voice, Woe, woe, woe, to the inhibiter's of the earth by reason of the other voices of the trumpet of the three angels, which are yet to sound!” The last scripture shows that angels do fly, and according to my dream and the Bible, they do have wings. These scriptures illustrate how God uses dreams to guide and protect His people. So, don’t take your dreams too lightly. How do you know that you don’t go somewhere when you sleep? Perhaps your spirit leaves your body and joins with other spirits in the invisible realm. Dreams can be a powerful way for God to communicate with us, offering guidance, warnings, and comfort. Pay attention to your dreams, for they may hold messages from the divine.

  • Cherubim and Flying Angels | Jehovah Saints | Christian News TodayJehovah's HOUSE of Saints - Founder: Michael Hopkins

    Cherubim and Flying Angels Discovering the Mystery of Cherubim and Flying Angels Have you ever wondered if you might be an angel, sent from heaven to observe and live among humans? It’s a fascinating thought, and one that has intrigued many throughout history. Let’s explore this idea through the lens of scripture and see what we can uncover about cherubim and flying angels. Discovering the Mystery of Cherubim and Flying Angels Have you ever wondered if you might be an angel, sent from heaven to observe and live among humans? It’s a fascinating thought, and one that has intrigued many throughout history. Let’s explore this idea through the lens of scripture and see what we can uncover about cherubim and flying angels. What Are Cherubim? Cherubim are a type of angelic being mentioned several times in the Bible. They are often depicted as having multiple faces and wings, symbolizing their divine nature and multifaceted roles. For instance, in Ezekiel 10:8, we read: “And there appeared in the cherubim’s the form of a man’s hand under their wings.” This imagery suggests that cherubim possess both human-like and divine attributes. In Ezekiel 10:19, the cherubim are described as lifting up their wings and mounting up from the earth, accompanied by wheels and the glory of God: “And the cherubim’s lifted up their wings and mounted up from the earth in my sight: when they went out, the wheels also were beside them, and everyone stood at the door of the east gate of the Lord’s house; and the glory of the God of Israel was over them above.” This powerful vision emphasizes their close connection to God’s presence and their role as His messengers and protectors. Flying Angels in Scripture The concept of flying angels is also prevalent in the Bible. 2 Samuel 22:11 and Psalm 18:10 both describe God riding upon a cherub and flying upon the wings of the wind: “And he rode upon a cherub, and did fly, and he was seen upon the wings of the wind.” (2 Samuel 22:11) “And he rode upon a cherub, and did fly; yes, he did fly upon the wings of the wind.” (Psalm 18:10) These verses highlight the swiftness and majesty of God’s messengers as they carry out His will. In Revelation 8:13, an angel is seen flying through the midst of heaven, proclaiming a message of woe to the inhabitants of the earth: “And I beheld and heard an angel flying through the midst of heaven, saying with a loud voice, Woe, woe, woe, to the inhabitants of the earth by reason of the other voices of the trumpet of the three angels, which are yet to sound!” Similarly, Revelation 14:6 speaks of another angel flying in the midst of heaven, carrying the everlasting gospel to preach to all people: “And I saw another angel fly in the midst of heaven, having the everlasting gospel to preach unto them that dwell on the earth, and to every nation, and kindred, and tongue, and people,” These passages illustrate the role of angels as bearers of divine messages and their ability to traverse the heavens. Could You Be an Angel? The idea of being an angel sent from heaven to live among humans is intriguing. While there is no definitive way to know if you are an angel, there are a few things to consider: Divine Encounters: Have you experienced dreams or visions that suggest a higher purpose? My dream about being a cherubim could be a sign of a special calling. Spiritual Gifts: Do you possess unique spiritual gifts or abilities that set you apart? Angels often have extraordinary capabilities that aid them in their divine missions. Inner Calling: Do you feel a deep sense of purpose and connection to the divine? This inner calling might be a clue to your true nature. Seeking Wisdom and Understanding Ultimately, whether you are an angel or not, the pursuit of wisdom, knowledge, and understanding is a noble endeavor. As you explore your spiritual journey, remember the words of Psalm 55:6: “And I said, Oh, that I had wings like a dove! for then would I fly away and be at rest.” Seek peace and rest in your quest for divine truth, and trust that God will guide you on your path. Conclusion The mystery of cherubim and flying angels is a profound and captivating topic. While we may not have all the answers, the scriptures provide us with glimpses of their divine nature and purpose. Whether you are an angel or a human seeking wisdom, your journey is a valuable part of God’s plan.

  • Jehovah Saints Archbishops | Contact Us to Become a BishopJehovah's HOUSE of Saints - Founder: Michael Hopkins

    Archbishops Jehovah Saints Archbishops & Bishops Worldwide All Bishops give "you" 10% of "their" offerings to the Archbishop on 22nd, of every month. All 10% offerings you receive, Archbishop, give 10% of your offerings received to CEO Michael Hopkins, as I will be working worldwide as soon as I get done with the USA, which should not take long, if everything goes as planned. ​ ● 10% is not required, but if they want a blessing from God, this is how it works ​ Jehovah Saints Global Outreach Worldwide Headquarters CEO: Michael Hopkins 205 W Business US Hwy 60 PMB 303 Dexter, MO 63841 Phone: +1(573) 891-1933 USA Text: +1 (573) 568-8887 USA ​ Pray and talk to God in your mind all the time! “Godspeed Archbishops” “Expression of good wishes to a person starting a journey” ​ “If we all pull together, how happy we’ll be!” Contact us to become a Bishop, or Archbishop Get in touch so we can start working together. First Name Last Name Email Message Send Thanks for submitting! Jehovah Saints Headquarters for South Sudan Archbishop Daniel Deng Bol Juba, Aweil, South Sudan Email: Phone number: +211921163669 Jehovah Saints Headquarters for Malawi Archbishop Vincent (Victor) Phiri P.Box 30 , Thuchila, Malawi, Africa email: Phone number: +265999101050 Phone Number: +265888639566 Jehovah Saints Headquarters for Bangladesh Archbishop Ripon Das email: Phone: +8801798881530 Jehovah Saints Headquarters for Nigeria Archbishop Eyitayo Olorund No 31 Stanley Maka street Shell road Sapele Delta state Nigeria, Africa Email: Phone number: +2348062893124 Jehovah Saints Headquarters for ​Democratic Republic of the Congo Archbishop Fataki Mulizi B.P. 392. Cyangugu Rwanda via D.R. Congo email: Phone Number: +243998902303

  • Missouri Property Tax Credit | Jehovah Saints | Christian News TodayJehovah's HOUSE of Saints - Founder: Michael Hopkins

    Missouri Property Tax Credit 09/19/2024 Understanding the Missouri Property Tax Credit Claim The Missouri Property Tax Credit Claim is a valuable program designed to provide financial relief to certain senior citizens and 100 percent disabled individuals. This program offers a credit based on the real estate taxes or rent paid for the year, helping to ease the financial burden on eligible residents. ​ Key Benefits Maximum Credit: The credit can be up to $750 for renters and $1,100 for homeowners. Eligibility: The actual credit amount is determined by the amount paid and the total household income, both taxable and nontaxable.​​ Eligibility Criteria Renters / Part-Year Owners: Single: Total household income must be $27,200 or less. Married Filing Combined: Total household income must be $29,200 or less. 100% Service-Connected Disabled Veterans: VA payments are not included in the income calculation. Owned and Occupied Your Home the Entire Year: Single: Total household income must be $30,000 or less. Married Filing Combined: Total household income must be $34,000 or less. 100% Service-Connected Disabled Veterans: VA payments are not included in the income calculation. ​ How to Apply To apply for the Missouri Property Tax Credit, you can visit the Missouri Department of Revenue Tax Credit website1 . Here, you will find detailed information on the application process, required documentation, and additional resources to assist you. Conclusion The Missouri Property Tax Credit Claim is an essential program for eligible senior citizens and disabled individuals, offering significant financial relief. By understanding the eligibility criteria and applying for the credit, you can take advantage of this beneficial program to reduce your financial burden. For more detailed information and to apply, visit the Missouri Department of Revenue Tax Credit website1 .

  • Contact Africa | Jehovah's HOUSE of Saints - Founder: Michael Hopkins

    Jehovah Saints Headquarters for Africa Archbishop Kavitha Poli 7000 Zwerdu 10 Liberia, West Africa Phone: +231775154563 WhatsApp Number +919502406211 First Name Last Name Email Message Send Thanks for submitting!

  • Protecting Your Right to Free Speech at Jehovah's HOUSE of Saints | Jehovah Saints | Christian News TodayJehovah's HOUSE of Saints - Founder: Michael Hopkins

    Giving Up Your Right to Free Speech Author: Michael Hopkins The 501©(3) Dilemma In the United States, the First Amendment guarantees the right to free speech, a cornerstone of democracy. However, when it comes to nonprofit organizations, particularly those classified under Section 501©(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, there are specific limitations that can feel like a compromise on this fundamental right. If you want to give up your right to free speech, sign up for a Nonprofit 501C3 You cannot speak against anyone in the government. At least that's what I understand by reading it. Straight off the IRS website. Exemption requirements; "it (non-profit) may not attempt to influence legislation as a substantial part of its activities and it may not participate in any campaign activity for or against political candidates." Understanding 501©(3) Status A 501©(3) organization is a type of nonprofit that is eligible for federal tax exemption. These organizations are typically charitable, religious, educational, scientific, or literary in nature. The benefits of this status include tax-deductible donations and exemption from federal income tax1 . The Restrictions To maintain their tax-exempt status, 501©(3) organizations must adhere to certain restrictions, particularly regarding political activities. According to the IRS, these organizations: Cannot participate in political campaigns: This means they cannot endorse or oppose political candidates. Must limit their lobbying activities : While some lobbying is allowed, it cannot be a substantial part of their activities 2 . These restrictions are designed to ensure that tax-exempt resources are not used to influence political outcomes. However, they also mean that these organizations must tread carefully when it comes to expressing opinions on political matters. The Free Speech Trade-Off For many, these restrictions can feel like a trade-off. By choosing to operate as a 501©(3), organizations agree to limit their political speech in exchange for the benefits of tax-exempt status. This can be seen as giving up a portion of their right to free speech, particularly when it comes to speaking out against government actions or policies. Misconceptions and Clarifications It’s important to clarify that 501©(3) organizations are not entirely silenced. They can still engage in: Educational activities: Providing information on issues without advocating for specific legislation or candidates. Non-partisan voter education : Conducting voter registration drives and providing information on voting without bias 3 . However, the line between education and advocacy can sometimes be blurry, leading to cautious self-censorship to avoid jeopardizing their tax-exempt status. Conclusion The decision to become a 501©(3) organization involves weighing the benefits of tax exemption against the limitations on political speech. While these restrictions are intended to prevent the misuse of tax-exempt resources, they also highlight a unique aspect of the free speech debate in the nonprofit sector. Understanding these nuances is crucial for any organization considering this path.

  • Contact Jehovah's HOUSE of Saints | Dexter, MO 63841, USA | Christian News TodayJehovah's HOUSE of Saints - Founder: Michael Hopkins

    Get in Touch with: "Jehovah Saints Global Outreach " 205 W Business US Hwy 60 PMB 303 Dexter, MO 63841 Phone: +1(573) 891-1933 USA Name Email Phone Address Subject Message Submit Thanks for submitting!

  • Free Audio Bible | Jehovahs House Of Saints - Founder: Michael Hopkins

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  • About Jehovah Saints: Empowering Change through Faith | Christian News TodayJehovah's HOUSE of Saints - Founder: Michael Hopkins

    Empowering Change through Faith: "A Look at Jehovah's HOUSE of Saints" At Jehovah's HOUSE of Saints, we believe that every individual has inherent worth and strive to be a force for good in the world, guided by our Christian values. Our organization was founded on the principles of support, empowerment, and progress, rooted in the teachings of the Holy Scriptures. ​ In today's world, we recognize the need for problem-solvers with diverse perspectives who are willing to take risks to create positive change. Our mission is to inspire and support not only the USA but communities worldwide, with our actions speaking louder than words. ​ As stated in Galatians 5:13, we believe in using our freedom to serve others, and in James 2:14-17, we recognize the need to bring our faith to life through good deeds. We are dedicated to promoting justice, equality, and compassion, guided by Micah 6:8 to act justly, love mercy, and walk humbly with God. ​ Through our various programs, we aim to uplift and empower individuals and communities, drawing inspiration from various Bible verses in our pursuit of positive transformation. We stand firm in our commitment to creating a better, brighter world for all, as guided by our Christian faith. ​ OUR GOALS: 1. Establish Homeless Shelters throughout the World: The House of Saints Advocacy worked tirelessly to provide shelter, support, and resources for individuals experiencing homelessness, following the teachings of Matthew 25:35-40, which calls for caring for the least among us. ​ 2. Restore Bible Classes in Schools and Prevent School Shootings: The organization advocated for the reintroduction of Bible classes in schools, believing that a foundation of faith and morality could help prevent tragedies like school shootings. They drew inspiration from Proverbs 22:6, emphasizing the importance of education and guidance in shaping young minds. 3. End Abortion: The House of Saints Advocacy staunchly defended the sanctity of life and worked towards ending abortion through education, advocacy, and support for expectant mothers. They emphasized the value of all life, as outlined in Psalm 139:13-16. 4. Prison Ministry: The organization reached out to incarcerated individuals, offering spiritual guidance, support, and rehabilitation programs to help them find redemption and purpose. Their efforts were guided by the belief in redemption and forgiveness, as stated in Romans 6:23. 5. Youth Outreach Programs: The House of Saints Advocacy engaged with young people through mentorship, leadership development, and educational initiatives to empower them to become agents of positive change in their communities. They were inspired by 1 Timothy 4:12, encouraging young believers to set an example for others. 6. Substance Abuse Rehabilitation: Through counseling, support groups, and rehabilitation services, the organization sought to help individuals overcome addiction and reclaim their lives. Their approach was rooted in the belief in transformation and healing, as exemplified in 2 Corinthians 5:17. ​ 7. Support for Families in Crisis: The House of Saints Advocacy provided assistance, counseling, and resources to families facing challenges such as domestic violence, financial hardship, or loss, guided by the teachings of Ephesians 4:2-3, promoting unity, peace, and support within families. 8. International Aid and Relief Efforts: The organization extended its reach globally, offering aid, relief, and support to communities in need around the world, following the command of Galatians 6:10 to do good to all, especially to those in need. ​ 9. Community Development and Empowerment: The House of Saints Advocacy engaged in projects and initiatives aimed at building strong, resilient communities, empowering individuals to create a more just and equitable society. They drew inspiration from Nehemiah 2:18, encouraging communities to come together to build and restore. ​ 10. Advocacy for Human Rights and Social Justice: The overarching goal of the organization was to advocate for human rights, social justice, and equality for all members of society, echoing the words of Micah 6:8 to act justly, love mercy, and walk humbly with God. ​ 11. Environmental Conservation and Sustainability Initiatives: The House of Saints Advocacy recognized the importance of caring for God's creation and committed to promoting environmental stewardship, conservation efforts, and sustainable practices in communities, inspired by Genesis 2:15, which speaks of humanity's responsibility to care for the earth. 12. Promotion of Racial Reconciliation and Unity: The organization worked towards fostering understanding, dialogue, and reconciliation among individuals of different races and backgrounds, guided by the belief in the inherent dignity and equality of all individuals, as stated in Galatians 3:28, emphasizing unity in Christ. 13. Economic Empowerment and Job Training Programs: The House of Saints Advocacy provided job training, skill development, and entrepreneurship opportunities to empower individuals to achieve economic stability and self-sufficiency, drawing inspiration from Proverbs 31:17, which praises hard work and resourcefulness. 14. Support for Refugees and Displaced Persons: The organization extended compassion, support, and resources to refugees and displaced persons, advocating for their rights and providing assistance in rebuilding their lives, guided by Matthew 25:35, urging compassion and assistance for those in need. ​ 15. Advocacy for Gender Equality and Women's Rights: The House of Saints Advocacy championed gender equality and women's rights, working to eliminate discrimination and empower women to realize their full potential, inspired by Galatians 3:28, recognizing the equal value and worth of all individuals. 16. Community Health and Wellness Programs: The organization promoted health education, wellness initiatives, and access to healthcare services to improve the overall well-being of individuals and communities, guided by the belief in caring for the body as a temple of the Holy Spirit, as mentioned in 1 Corinthians 6:19-20. 17. Support for Orphans and Vulnerable Children: The House of Saints Advocacy provided care, support, and advocacy for orphans and vulnerable children, ensuring their well-being and access to education, healthcare, and a loving environment, reflecting James 1:27, which calls for looking after orphans in their distress. 18. Civic Engagement and Voter Education: The organization engaged in voter education initiatives, advocacy for fair and just policies, and promoting civic participation to empower individuals to be informed, active citizens in shaping their communities and society, inspired by the call to seek justice and defend the oppressed in Isaiah 1:17. ​ 19. Promotion of Mental Health Awareness and Support: The House of Saints Advocacy raised awareness about mental health issues, provided support, resources, and education to destigmatize mental illness, and promote holistic well-being, guided by the belief in caring for the mind, body, and spirit, as emphasized in Philippians 4:6-7. 20. Interfaith Dialogue and Cooperation: The organization fostered interfaith dialogue, understanding, and cooperation among individuals of different faith traditions, promoting mutual respect, peace, and cooperation in the pursuit of common goals for the betterment of society, echoing the call to love one another as neighbors in Luke 10:27. ​ Jehovah's House of Saints Advocacy for Human Rights and Social Justice is dedicated to fulfilling a diverse array of goals rooted in the teachings of the Holy Scriptures. Their mission encompasses a holistic approach to serving and uplifting individuals and communities, guided by the Word of God. ​ Drawing inspiration from Matthew 25:35-40, the organization strives to establish Homeless Shelters worldwide to care for those in need. They advocate for the restoration of Bible Classes in schools, influenced by Proverbs 22:6, believing in the importance of faith and education in shaping young minds and preventing school shootings. ​ The House of Saints Advocacy staunchly defends the sanctity of life and works towards ending abortion, reflecting the value of life as outlined in Psalm 139:13-16. Through Prison Ministry guided by Romans 6:23, they offer spiritual guidance and support for incarcerated individuals seeking redemption and purpose. ​ Youth Outreach Programs inspired by 1 Timothy 4:12 empower young people to become positive agents of change, while Substance Abuse Rehabilitation rooted in 2 Corinthians 5:17 helps individuals overcome addiction and find healing. Support for Families in Crisis, International Aid and Relief Efforts, and Community Development and Empowerment are guided by Ephesians 4:2-3, Galatians 6:10, and Nehemiah 2:18, respectively. ​ Advocacy for Human Rights and Social Justice, inspired by Micah 6:8, is at the core of the organization's mission. Their commitment extends to Environmental Conservation, Racial Reconciliation, and Economic Empowerment, echoing Genesis 2:15, Galatians 3:28, and Proverbs 31:17. Support for Refugees, Gender Equality, and the promotion of health and wellness draw inspiration from Matthew 25:35, Galatians 3:28, and 1 Corinthians 6:19-20, respectively. ​ The House of Saints Advocacy's dedication to supporting Orphans and Vulnerable Children, promoting Civic Engagement, raising Mental Health Awareness, and fostering Interfaith Dialogue is guided by James 1:27, Isaiah 1:17, Philippians 4:6-7, and Luke 10:27, reflecting their commitment to serving humanity with compassion, justice, and love. MICHAEL HOPKINS Founder JT HOPKINS Communications Specialist RICHELLE MOSLEY Project Manager

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