"global homelessness relief," "international homeless aid organization," "homeless missions abroad," "supporting homeless globally," "international homeless charity," "donate to homeless cause worldwide," and "missions to help homeless internationally."
"It is more blessed to give than to receive." (Acts 20:35)

Jehovah Saints Churches
“Jehovah Saints-Helping Shelter the Homeless”
Jehovah Saints Churches International
Contact Information:
Churches in Kenya
Name: Pastor Apolinaris Maosa
Country: Kenya
WhatsApp: +254742497575
Email: maosaapolinaris7@gmail.com
Name: Pastor Kizito Wafula
Country: Kenya
Email: saitiwafula@yahoo.com
Name: Pastor Job Mokua
Country: Kenya
WhatsApp: +254748185662
Email: jobmokua21@gmail.com
Name: Lorine Ayodo
WhatsApp number: +254112179591
Email: lorineayodo7@gmail.com
Name: Pastor Jamlick Orina
Country: Kenya
WhatsApp: +254703671082
Email: jamlickorina012@gmail.com
Name: Pastor “Omogirango” Richard Kabugi Nyakoni
Country: Kenya
WhatsApp: +254722550775
2. Churches in Pakistan
Name: Pastor Jamil Masih
Country: Pakistan
WhatsApp: +923169675097
Email: jameelmasih405@gmail.com
Name: Pastor Nadeem Pastor
Country: Pakistan
WhatsApp: +923177677655
Email: nadeempastor7@gmail.com
Name: Pastor Arfan Bashir
Country: Pakistan
WhatsApp: +923067274902
Email: arfanbashir9@gmail.com
Name: Pastor Amin Gill
Country: Pakistan
Phone: +03006550068
Email: amingill786@gmail.com
Name: Pastor Rizwan Shamoon Masih
Country: Pakistan
Phone: +92309-1056886
Email: rk3955270@gmail.com
Name: Pastor Francis Bashir
Country: Pakistan
Phone: +923248463065
Name: Evenglist Anjlee Heral
Country: Pakistan
WhatsApp: 923281353264
Email: anjleeparvaiz@gmail.com
Name: Sahal Mashi
Country: Pakistan
WhatsApp: 03704615059
Email: sahalmashi51@gmail.com
3. Churches in India
Name: Pastor Naveen Kumar valluri
Country: India
WhatsApp: +918096032404
Email: manoharvalluri1977@gmail.com
Name: Pastor V. Suresh Kumar
Country: India
Mobile: 9912702677
Name: Pastor Nagaraju Pari
Country: India
Phone: +91 8520910771
Email: nagarajupariftm@gmail.com
Name: Rajeev Muppidi
Country: India
WhatsApp: 91 8008399961
Email: muppidi9705@gmail.com
4. Churches in South Sudan
Name: Pastor Daniel Deng Bol
Country: South Sudan
WhatsApp: +211921163669
Email: dengatoc@gmail.com
Has 7 churches, Waiting on documentation.
5. Churches in Malawi
Name: Pastor Victor K Phiri
Country: Malawi
WhatsApp: +265(0)999101050
Email: victorphr1@gmail.com
Name: Daniel Tengeletu
Country: Malawi
WhatsApp: +265(0)994179829
Email: danieltengeletu@gmail.com
6. Churches in Bangladesh
Country: Bangladesh
Phone Number: +8801784245218
Email: mondol.ashik1997@gmail.com
7. Churches in Uganda
Country: Uganda
WhatsApp: +256 765986001
Email: kisekkaibrahim2002@gmail.com
Name: Pastor Martin Lulonde
Country: Uganda
WhatsApp: +256765217434
Email: martinlulonde98@gmail.com
8. Churches in Liberia
Name: Morris Nyenator
Country: Liberia
Phone: 0778244138
Email: nyenatormorris1@yahoo.com
Name: Nathaniel Gbah
Country: Liberia
Phone: +231778037934 /+231880744459
Email: wondergbah@gmail.com
There are more Jehovah Saints Churches, will be added later.