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Abortion: When the Soul is Connected

The Miraculous Journey of Life: Heartbeat, Soul, and Divine Wisdom

The beginning of life is marked by incredible milestones, both scientifically and spiritually. One such significant event is the development of a baby's heartbeat. We delve into the fascinating interplay between the physical and spiritual aspects of life, exploring the connection between the heartbeat and the soul, and the divine wisdom that shapes our understanding of existence.

The Beginning of a Heartbeat

A baby in the womb typically develops a heartbeat around 5 to 6 weeks after conception. At this stage, the heart is just beginning to form, and the heartbeat is often detectable via ultrasound. It's a crucial and exciting milestone in early pregnancy.

  • Biblical Scripture: "For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb." (Psalm 139:13)


The Connection Between Heartbeat and Soul

Many believe that the heartbeat signifies the connection of the soul to the body. The soul, imbued with electrical energy, connects to an area called the sinus node in the heart. This connection facilitates the generation of electrical impulses throughout the body, sending messages from the soul to the brain. It takes less than a second for these messages to travel, highlighting the profound link between our spiritual and physical existence.

  • Biblical Scripture: "The spirit of man is the lamp of the Lord, searching all his innermost parts." (Proverbs 20:27)


Philosophical and Spiritual Implications

The presence of electrical activity in our bodies is a marker of life. When a person dies, and all electrical activity ceases, doctors consider them clinically dead. This cessation of electrical impulses can be seen as the soul leaving the body, just as it entered. The idea that life is marked by electrical energy intertwines with the belief that the soul is the essence of our being.

  • Biblical Scripture: "And the dust returns to the ground it came from, and the spirit returns to God who gave it." (Ecclesiastes 12:7)

When a person dies they no longer have electricity, when a person is alive they have electricity. Any Doctor can tell you this.


The Role of Emergency Contraception

In cases of rape, some may consider using emergency contraception, like the morning-after pill, to prevent pregnancy. They have 5 to 6 weeks to do so, before the soul connects to the body producing electrical impulses in the body, causing the heart to beat. This indicates the presence of the soul. The discussion around when the soul enters the body is deeply personal and varies among different beliefs. The perspective shared here views the soul's connection as starting with the heartbeat, offering a unique stance on the matter.


The Wisdom of Divine Revelations

God's wisdom, as revealed through personal insights and experiences, shapes our understanding of life and death. The soul's connection to the body is alive the soul significances electrical energy in the body, and death when there is no electricity.


Personal Insight: "When I pray for people, I see them as a white light, and when God is working on them, they have a gold glow in that area of pain."


Biblical Scripture: "A joyful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit (soul) dries up the bones (makes one sick or ill)." (Proverbs 17:22)



The journey of life, marked by the development of a heartbeat and the connection of the soul, is a miraculous interplay between the physical and spiritual realms. The wisdom revealed through divine insights and personal experiences offers a profound understanding of our existence. By embracing these revelations, we can navigate our earthly journey with a deeper sense of purpose and connection to the divine.

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