"global homelessness relief," "international homeless aid organization," "homeless missions abroad," "supporting homeless globally," "international homeless charity," "donate to homeless cause worldwide," and "missions to help homeless internationally."
"It is more blessed to give than to receive." (Acts 20:35)

Chief Archbishop Michael Hopkins
Head of All Jehovah Saints Temples Worldwide
Pictured above is Chief Archbishop Michael Hopkins, the spiritual leader and head of all Jehovah Saints Temples globally. Archbishop Hopkins is adorned with a black stole, a symbol of leadership and authority, much like the black robe worn by a judge. This signifies his role as a spiritual guide and overseer of the Church.
The Role of the Archbishops
Under Chief Archbishop Michael Hopkins are the Archbishops of each country where Jehovah Saints Churches are located. These Archbishops wear a purple stole, a color rich in biblical symbolism and meaning.
Purple’s Meaning in the Bible
Royalty: Representing kingship and the majesty of God.
John 19:2-3, Judges 8:26
Wealth: Indicating prosperity and high status.
Luke 16:19
Holiness: Used in the Tabernacle and priestly garments.
Exodus 26:1, Exodus 28:5-6
Authority: Symbolizing power and dominion, both earthly and spiritual.
Revelation 17:4
Purple serves as a reminder of God’s sovereignty, the majesty of Christ as King, and the sacredness of His work in the world.
Appointed Archbishops:
Chief Archbishop: Michael Hopkins
Country: USA
Phone: +1 573-891-1933
Email: mykulscom@gmail.com
Archbishop Andrew Bibah
Country: Ghana
WhatsApp +233556775714
Email: hopethroughchristm@gmail.com
Archbishop Victor Odhiambo
Country: Kenya
WhatsApp +254720903016
Email: Bethelkenyaa@gmail.com
Archbishop Amin Gill
Country: Pakistan
Phone: +923015715844
Email: amingill786@gmail.com
Archbishop Nathaniel Gbah
Country: Liberia
WhatsApp +231778037934
Email: wondergbah@gmail.com
Archbishop Samuel Ongong'a
Country: Tanzania
WhatsApp +255 766 277 876
Email: ongongasamuel@gmail.com
Archbishop Krupavaram Tatapudi
Country: India
WhatsApp 918790241432
Email: rajukumartatapudi@gmail.com
Archbishop Emmanuel (A.V.) Fomba
Country: Sierra Leone
WhatsApp +232 31531734
Email: emmanuelfomba@gmail.com
Archbishop Daniel Deng Bol
Country South Sudan
WhatsApp +211921163669
Email: dengatoc@gmail.com
Archbishop Victor K Phiri
Country: Malawi
WhatsApp: +265(0)999101050
Email: victorphr1@gmail.com
Country: Bangladesh
Phone Number:+8801602650332
Email: dipaliranidas0179@gmail.com